The Only Thing That Matters: Truth

Slowly, but steadily, more and more Congress members are stepping forward to support the move by legislators to object on January 6th to the acceptance of the electoral college votes that state governors have certified as those that represent the “true” wish of the voters in their states. The most recent and demonstrative is that of Texas Senator Ted Cruz which stated:

“Congress should immediately appoint an Electoral Commission, with full investigatory and fact-finding authority, to conduct an emergency 10-day audit of the election returns in the disputed states. Once completed, individual states would evaluate the commission’s findings and could convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote, if needed.”

American voters in droves (and mounting in number daily) are publicly proclaiming their belief that November 3rd’s election does NOT represent the People’s will and does NOT evidence a true election. Those same voters are expressing their angst at members of Congress NOT doing so. Why is that?

Tens of millions of Americans have watched as hundreds of firsthand reports have been given, sworn under the penalty of perjury, showing evidence of election fraud that are being ignored by leaders in office and the Mainstream Media. It comes as no surprise that a FOX survey shows at least 30 percent of ALL Americans believe the votes included a vast number of fraudulent ones, 77 percent of Republicans feel that way. Even 10% of Democrats feel that the Biden victory is fraudulent.

It is unconscionable that many Washington leaders ignore this evidence and are pushing forward with what appears to millions to be a fraudulent presidency of a candidate that did NOT win legally. Why is it unconscionable for elected members of our government to do so? Because in doing so, they are ignoring the oath of office they took to serve in Congress.

The Congressional Oath of Office

“I (name) do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter, So help me God.” (Title 5, Section 3331 of the United States Code)

The Constitution states that “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations” (Article I, section 4).

In the November 3rd election and the run-up to that date, there were tens of dozens of changes made to numerous states’ election processes, none of which (if any) were made in the Constitutionally mandated method. The legislatures did NOT make those changes — various hired state executives, elected Secretaries of State, and even governors made those changes in direct violation of the Constitution. Only state legislatures have that authority unless Congress steps in and does so, which did not happen.

“So how does that pertain to United States legislators?” Simple: the legislatures must act on the illegal action taken by these unauthorized individuals. They must right the wrongs committed against their citizens. Didn’t they swear an oath to do that — to defend the Constitution of the United States?

Oh, there’s one additional responsibility of that oath: “and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.” Anyone can rightfully accept that a state’s election laws are upheld, as are the Constitution’s provisions at the same time.

The Maniacal Rumor Mill

Is it any surprise that the conspiracy theorists have been having a field day with this? I’ve seen and heard reports from people I always thought were credible that are alleging as fact all kinds of unverifiable actions committed and/or pending: “Joe Biden will never be inaugurated. He has already been arrested and is headed to Guantanamo Bay;” “Pelosi, Schumer, John Brennan, and Adam Schiff have been notified of their immediate arrest after the January 6th joint session of Congress.” And the craziness goes on and on.

Why not just dismiss all this based on it coming from partisan hacks trying to make a buck from gullible Americans? Because no one can knowingly and honestly say that because the facts that prove the election wasn’t fraudulent have not been investigated for their veracity.

So the rumors continue, as does the fear and havoc across the nation as we enter a new decade — all of which is needless angst perpetrated against Americans by the unholy union of Leftist Media and Democrat Party sycophants and, yes, even some GOP RINO’s.

“Thuggery” Instead of “Representation”

Political thuggery and partisanship bear no particular party name.

Many Americans laughed during the 2016 campaign when candidate Donald Trump began talking about the “Swamp” in D.C. and “draining the Swamp” of all those who were living in the mire of the D.C. swamp.  That Swamp was/is full of bureaucrats and lifetime politicians who were not content to govern solely as  “servants” but chose to build powerful and lucrative careers feeding at the trough of sustenance provided by the American people. Gone were the days when Americans volunteered two years of their lives to leave their farms, towns, and communities to go to Washington to represent their fellow Americans in lawmaking in the U.S. House of Representatives. U.S. Senators that were initially representatives of the states discovered how attractive were those Senate jobs that could make them a lot of money “IF” those Senate state appointments were changed to come from public elections instead. think of it: “campaign in your state, raise a lot of campaign dollars, trade obligations for campaign dollars with donors, and then everyone gets taken care of when they get to Washington and start passing out “deals” and opportunities!”


Don’t be lulled into thinking the 2020 election and its results are over — it’s anything BUT over. Am I saying that Donald Trump will somehow continue as President and serve for four more years? Will these U.S. lawmakers from the House and Senate that are planning to object at the joint session of Congress be successful and force both the House and Senate to move to separate considerations of these objections and vote on who should be President rather than the vote tallies as presented at the electoral college? Will Joe Biden NOT be President? I’m not saying that at all. But I AM saying that all of this is unresolved and will NOT be resolved by January 20th or February 20th or March, April, May, June, July, or any time this year!


The sleeping giant named “The American People” have been rustled from years of slumber. Americans have benignly lived private lives in blind faith that their nation’s leaders have operated the government honestly, legally, ethically, morally, and solely for the good of all Americans. That trust included confidence of their being nothing but adherent to the Rule of Law and that any wrongdoing in the government would be handled by those elected to do so. And “The American People” have rudely awakened to the realization that our government leaders have taken advantage of us while we snoozed and have ripped from us the substance of what our nation has been for 260 years!

This Giant is NOT happy. There are tens of millions of people who Donald Trump activated by exposing bits of the Swamp’s underbelly. Contrary to what Leftist leaders tell their minions, Trump has NEVER demanded anyone from Americans but patriotism, love of country, loyalty to the Constitution, and adherence to the Rule of Law. That has enraged the Left! They cannot deal with it in the ways they have always handled others who have tried. Oh, they tried: again, again, and again. But each time, Truth has been revealed. And when that light has shined, more and more Americans saw the light of Truth.

I have said numerous times that Truth is absolute: there are no “versions” of it. There are no such things as “My Truth and Your Truth.” The Left does not understand that. It was a snippet of mantra which they successfully sold to a marching army of left-leaning political elites. And Leftist leaders cannot find a way to erase the facts Americans have seen in the last four years under this administration!

Want an example? Here is just one of the thousands:

William Cohen, a former Republican senator from Maine and Defense secretary under former President Clinton, blasted GOP lawmakers challenging the results of the 2020 presidential election in a Thursday interview in which he suggested the formation of a new political party.

Cohen made the comments on CNN’s “The Situation Room” while discussing Sen. Josh Hawley’s (R-MO) plans to object during Congress’s counting of the Electoral College vote on Wednesday. Cohen called Hawley’s actions “shameful” but warned that Republicans are just following President Trump’s lead, calling him the party’s “ringmaster.”

“We have to remember that the current occupant of the White House is a ringmaster and what he expects to do is snap his whip and all the elephants hop up on chairs,” Cohen said. “What they have to understand is he is going to continue to snap the whip whether he’s in office or out of office. And every time they’re going to have to jump up and sit on that stool to satisfy him and his supporters.”

The days of Leftist leaders talking down to and about Americans who disagree with those leaders are over. The sleeping Giant has awakened!

What’s going to happen? I cannot say, but I can “surmise.” I think that there is still a sliver of opportunity for the truth of the egregious and gargantuan voter fraud from November to be “confirmed” to Americans. Much of it has already been exposed. But even if that happens, it’s uncertain what result we would see.

What I CAN predict is that the Great Awakening that began during the 2016 campaign and continued after the election continues to grow at a rapid pace. Eyes and ears have been opened. Millions of people see and recognize what they first thought was fact, and has been revealed nothing more than partisan drivel has been driving our government for many years. They know and are now committed that it must stop.

Just as I penned this story, I received the following note from a TruthNewsNetwork partner in Australia. (I do not know this person) I thought it was applicable to share with all today:

DearTruth News Network,

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I am deeply concerned (and frightened) by the Great Reset, as well as the ‘Plandemic’ and the Covid vaccines. All I want is to return to normal again. Here in Australia we are governed by globalist socialists who support lockdowns, the poison Covid vaccines and the Great Reset. We do not have a ‘Trump’ here. Australia’s politicians have all sold out and are ‘compromised’.

In my heart I do believe that President Trump will win! But the big question I’d love to ask you is: What will happen to us here in Australia when Trump wins? I mean, will Australia, like the USA, be removed from the shackles of the Great Reset/Plandemic/Covid vaccines, etc? In other words, will Trump’s win destroy this evil socialist reset program in JUST the USA, or will Trump’s win destroy this evil reset worldwide, including Australia?

Thank you very much. I really look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards and God Bless,
Shane Stephenson,
Melbourne, Australia”

That’s from an Aussie concerned about us who watches our government and our leaders from “Down Under.” Do they see something that we do not?

What’s going to happen? What that will look like is still pending. However, there are two things that I can say are beyond question by anyone:

  • The Son of God said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free;”
  • “The Truth Will Out.”

Those two in tandem will change our nation for the better. Yes, I hope this change will happen this year — and I’m certain it will begin. Will it begin with a different POTUS or the one we have now for four years? I cannot say which will happen. But either way, the Truth is going to drive this nation in a way it hasn’t seen in quite a while.

We’re going to all be all right: “God’s Got This!”

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