The Saga Of Mark Grenon

December 13, 2021, followers met a man named Mark Grennon. The title of the story detailing Mr. Grenon’s story was “Bolivia’s Miracle Cure For COVID-19. The story detailed the travesty for Mark and his family at the hands of the U.S. Government — his arrest in Columbia and the arrests of his sons in Miami. Here is what we published ahead of his appearance on “TNN Live!” This will give you some background of what was and still is happening to Mark and his family:

What’s Going On?

Tuesday  is going to be a different day for a lot of Americans. On our show “TNN Live!” Tuesday morning that airs streaming from our website at 9:00 AM Central, listeners will meet a man who will speak with me from a jail cell in Bogota, Columbia. His crime? He crossed Big Pharma and the FDA and even the CDC in the U.S. promoting a product that NASA promoted itself years ago as a “cure-all” for numerous ailments among all people. He ran across this product in his missionary endeavors in Africa, South America, and Central America after years of helping hundreds of thousands of indigent natives with every type of virus, bacteria, and other diseases in these foreign countries. He grew weary of the large number of physicians who volunteered their time and expertise to come to these countries to his clinics and treat patients with every imaginable malady known to man. Though he so appreciated their time and commitment, often rare diseases in these countries could not be effectively treated. If people can catch it, they all caught it. And they all needed treatment.

He will tell us today his story of how our federal government attacked him, his ministry, shut down his amazingly successful clinics that were NOT practicing medicine in any way. The feds performed a SWAT attack at his sons’ homes in Miami complete with black ops techniques. They arrested  his sons and threw them in jail. No trials, but multiple bogus charges, and certainly no “speedy trial” as is promised Constitutionally. They’re still in federal prison in Miami more than a year later!

He is in prison in Bogota, Columbia for the same allegations. He’s being held there pending extradition to the U.S. He’s been there more than one year!

What’s the holdup? Why can’t the United States Government get their allies in Columbia to release him to face his crimes in a U.S. court? They’re afraid of a trial by jury and the publicity it would surely receive!

Today: What’s Happening

Mark is still in jail in Columbia!

Rather than TruthNewsNetwork writing the update for Mark and his sons, we spoke to him and want you to hear the latest for yourself:

(Click on this link to hear Mark)


For information about this horror story initiated and perpetuated by our government, here are keys to learning more:

Sources and Information

In our conversation with Mark Grenon on Tuesday from his jail cell in Columbia, he shared the names of some sources for us all to check out. Please see them below and feel free to use them as you wish:

IF you desire to donate to help in the support of this venture, here’s a link to do so:


6 thoughts on “The Saga Of Mark Grenon”

  1. I was diagnosed with a multitude of illnesses and dis-eases. In searching for natural cures via the then uncensored google and YouTube, I came across Jim Humble and Mark Grenons “Genesis Il church of health and healing ” . Long story short, I donated to the church and got a sample of MMS for one particular disease that doctors told me there was no cure for. I tried it and not only was I cured for the disease doctors said there was no cure for but all of my ailments were gone and my entire health was restored. Thank you Mark Grenon and the Genesis ll church of health and healing. I will forever be indebted to you and your church.

  2. I have been using chlorine dioxide solution (CDS) for the last 6 weeks for my stage 4, terminal pancreatic cancer diagnosed 21 months ago. This is just the simple gas chlorine dioxide, discovered by Humphrey Davy 200 years ago, bubbled through distilled water to make a very simple but supremely effective oxidising agent. Chlorine dioxide solution (CDS) is a rapid, safe, disinfectant which kills bacteria, viruses, fungi, legionella, spores, glyphosates and oxidises heavy metals. It is a universal antidote which has been proven to cure hundreds of different diseases and ailments through the simple process of oxidation. It can cure malaria in less than 24 hours, arthritis and a whole raft of other diseases. Bolivia changed the law in Parliament to make it freely available in Bolivia which resulted in the daily COVID-19 death numbers falling from 100 deaths per day down to almost zero. If you have not already come across chlorine dioxide a good starter video is called ‘The Universal Antidote Documentary’ which is a wonderful eye opener into the curative effects of chlorine dioxide solution (CDS). 111 cancer testimonials for CDS can be found on Four days ago I joined the live audio and text Telegram group on chlorine dioxide solution (CDS). Only last night there was a woman who had given up on traditional treatment of chemo and radiation for her breast cancer. On treating herself with CDS she was able to reduce the tumour both outside and within the surface of her breast to zero leaving only a long indentation on her breast where the tumour had been within the breast. The reason that these alternative medicines are not talked about and freely available throughout the medical system is that big pharma and the FDA would lose millions if not trillions of dollars if people could be cured from the multitude of diseases by these simple, effective and cheap alternatives. I am trying to spread the word of fenbendazole and chlorine dioxide on 25 Facebook cancer groups and have now started expanding to all the other self help groups where the simple and effective chemical chlorine dioxide solution (CDS) can be used to cure all manner of diseases. I appreciate that you may have received numerous other people reaching out to you regarding their own personal anecdotal stories of how they have alleviated or cured their cancers. I just wanted to make absolutely sure that you had been made aware of the fenbendazole and chlorine dioxide protocols for consideration. Although I am 71 years old I am passionate to spend the rest of what life I have available in spreading the word of these alternative medicines for the benefit of mankind. I now look upon my diagnosis of incurable pancreatic cancer, in my own case, as a privilege because without it I would never have had the opportunity or motivation to be in a position to benefit the lives of so many other people whose lives have been blighted by the ravishes of cancer. As a personal testimony to the power of chlorine dioxide solution (CDS) my pancreatic cancer has made me very physically weak. Before taking CDS I was unable to raise my body even one inch when I tried to do a press up. After five weeks of taking CDS I am now able to do 10 press ups with ease and a maximum of 14. Chlorine dioxide has slightly less toxicity than a cup of coffee. The FDA and big pharma have been telling the public lies about CDS for many years in order to protect their cartel of drug pushers. They say that CDS has never helped cure anyone of anything. Take a look at the COVID-19 mortality statistics in Bolivia. Before they changed the law in Bolivia the mortality rate from COVID-19 was 100 people per day. After making CDS freely available the mortality rate for COVID-19 was reduced to practically zero. Over 1,000,000 people die unnecessarily from malaria every year, 750,000 of them being children. Chlorine dioxide solution usually cures malaria within 24 hours and is very much cheaper and more effective than traditional malaria treatments.

    1. We have promoted chlorine dioxide on this site numerous times. We’ve interviewed Mark Grenon — a medical missionary — three times on our live show. He and his sons have been treating individuals with it successfully for 20 years. God bless you!

      Dan Newman

      1. Great story on pancreas healing . I’m not sure where else to try and become a member on Andrea Kalcker site but can anyone help me . I’ve tried on his site but when I come to the robot part , to select I’m not a robot Only half the page of pics come up on computer or even cell phone . Which means I cannot select all. I have a liver disease and trying to get protocol , which I cannot find while reading a-z protocols.
        Could someone here direct me where to get help to be his member . Please

  3. Great story on pancreas healing . I’m not sure where else to try and become a member on Andrea Kalcker site but can anyone help me . I’ve tried on his site but when I come to the robot part , to select I’m not a robot Only half the page of pics come up on computer or even cell phone . Which means I cannot select all. I have a liver disease and trying to get protocol , which I cannot find while reading a-z protocols.
    Could someone here direct me where to get help to be his member . Please

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