The Word “Racist” is Racist

The most misused word in American social and cultural interactions today is “Racist” — and that in itself is racist.

Think about it: in using the word racist as an adjective, it is defined as “showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another;” as a noun is defined as “a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.” When used as either an adjective or noun, the term “racist” bears a negative connotation in comparison to other people — maybe even to the person using the word.

In its universal use globally, it is actually a curse word, not a name (noun) or description (adjective). And typically the person(s) using it are doing so to demean someone else or some group in particular by comparison to other people or groups. And using it in any circumstance today is a racial act in simply doing so! How so?

The Vacuum

You probably have never thought about that word and how it is used. It is tossed about as slang — just an afterthought. But it is so impactful, we all need to understand it, its origins, and its purposes.

First, it is not a “stand alone.” In fact, it is impossible for a word this powerful to exist in a vacuum. The word “racist” actually describes someone the user wishes to demean with the word. If/when a person chooses to take all that goes along with that “word,” it becomes a cancer. In fact, it is really nothing but an identifier of its source. Racism did not just pop up of the ground at some farm. It does not originate from a workshop or art studio. It was created by men about men centuries ago. In fact it has almost certainly existed since Man’s beginning. Racism is a product cooked up in a cauldron of humanity that periodically simply spills over into the hearts of men. But what is its source?

When our young children have a fever, we naturally run to the medicine cabinet and grab Tylenol or aspirin to give to the child to reduce the fever. The fever is NOT the child’s problem, rather a symptom of a problem: maybe an infection or a virus. But we act like if we rid the fever the problem is gone. Not so. The term “racist” does NOT define the problem — it defines the symptoms OF the problem. What is the problem? Elitism.

In the Beginning…..

There have always been at least two classes of humans since Creation — at least with the creation of Eve. God created Adam who needed someone with him. That was Eve. No sooner had Eve entered the scene, both Adam and Eve realized they were different. Each liked, respected, and accepted SOME of the differences of the other, but not all. Then the personality traits God embedded in each took over. Each felt superior in certain ways to the other, and vice versa. i.e. Adam felt he was smarter and stronger. Eve felt she was smarter and more enlightened about everything in their world. Eve felt superior to Adam and Adam felt superior to Eve. Their justifications for those opinions: “I’m better just because I’m a man,” or “Just because I’m a woman.” That was the beginning of elitism.

We all know how the World population grew then: the same way it grows now. Before too long there were many more people around. With those people came different physical attributes, intelligence levels, skills and talents, and personalities. Without really thinking about it, class and status and labeling automatically became simply part of life. Perceptually everyone developed an opinion of everyone else. Reality of those perceptions very seldom were questioned. After all, “Perception IS Reality.”

Inevitably groups were formed comprised of those with similarities with which others identified: race, intelligence, like and dislikes, spirituality, etc. Inevitably those in some of these groups felt better, smarter, better looking — all those things that represent human differences. Whether accurate or not, many in these groups sought to assume places of social standing based on understanding and rankings of those differences. These were the first elitists.

Since Adam and Eve, Elitists have always existed and have permeated every culture on Earth, and still do. No matter what society or culture they are part of, they find a way to demand status. Social Elitists assume power and authority over all labels for everyone in their lives. Elitists invented the words “racist,” “racism,” and other descriptive words like “homophobe,” “islamaphobe,” “xenophobe,” and all the other slang and demeaning labels we hear for various social groups in our lives. These monikors devised by Elitists are dog whistles for all those who subscribe to elitist mentality. Often as in the case of the words “Racist” and “Racism,” the labels that are created and assigned are NOT the issues. The spirit of Elitism is the issue. Those who embrace Elitism feel empowered to determine worth, value, and status of everyone, including themselves. And in all this, Truth does not matter.

“Racist” and “Racism” are simply words and descriptive phrases that describe emotions held and named by Elitists to use to selectively demean others. And they can be VERY brutal. Elitists are those who invent and maintain all the negative descriptive words used to label and while labeling demean all those who Elitists hate — whether or not their disdain for those they label is based on any real characteristic.


  1. “Jay, when did you stop beating your wife?” How horrible for Jay to do that! Guess what: Jay DIDN’T BEAT HIS WIFE!
  2. Homophobe. A very common term elitists use for anyone that disagrees with elitist philosophies — about anything! It does not need to be about homosexuality. You may simply be a Conservative and Liberals label you as a homophobe.
  3. Xenophobe. Anyone who disagrees with the concept of open borders, who believes in LEGAL immigration, who joins the push for border enforcement is labelled by elitists as xenophobic. Forget about law, legalities, and illegalities. Disagree with elitists and you get a label.

The examples are endless. Each can be catastrophic. Elitist labels have destroyed marriages, careers, friendships, companies, and kept some good people from politics and run others out of politics.


Matthew 12:35 puts this in perspective: “A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him.”

There are no racists, supremacists, homophobes, xenophobes, islamophobes, alive today. All those that have been labeled as such are just PEOPLE. Sure, some hold views that are angry, hateful, totally emotional without any intellectual basis. But they each are real people with real thoughts, ideas, characteristics, and value. For Elitists to use their dog-whistle labels to point out to fellow elitists an individual or group to attack, is inhumane, sick, and intellectually demeaning.

Guess what: anyone that calls you a racist, IS a racist! For racism is NOT anything on its on. It is created by a heart of elitism to use to attack others by creating a perception in others that the Elitist is more worthy than the one they are compared to.

The Sin is Elitism and the attacks it initiates.

The Elitist goal: “to make others seem and appear to be less valuable and less important than me.”




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