This is the Principle Tool of Division Used Against Americans Today: “CRT”

If you are an American who is cautious 24/7 about words you use in public, things you say in conversations with those who may not know you, and are really cautious in speaking to someone who is a minority of any kind, you’re certainly not alone. Let’s face it: society has learned how to effectively weaponize anything for any purpose chosen and to accomplish whatever is desired that almost always involves proving that some person is less worthy or qualified than another. Someone must win every time. That means someone must lose, too.

This process makes one tired and lonely, uncertain of one’s personal status in a family, a group at work, trying to fit into numerous social settings. It almost always is either directly associated with, or at least is affiliated with, matters of race. And there’s a new “weapon of choice” in this social journey: Critical race theory.

Critical race theory, or CRT, has occupied an increasingly prominent place in public discourse since President Trump issued Executive Order 13950, “Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping,” which banned the federal government from using CRT in employee training.

During the general election, then-candidate Joe Biden described CRT as nothing more than teaching people to be cognizant of others’ feelings. One of President Biden’s first acts was to revoke Executive Order 13950 and replace it with Executive Order 13985, “Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government.”

But what is CRT? Many people think critical race theory is part of the civil rights movement, but this is incorrect. Most Americans of a certain age believe that Martin Luther King Jr.’s hope that his children would be judged “not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character” is what society should strive toward, and is the practical definition of not being racist.

CRT, and the many millions of millennials, Gen Z-ers, and current school children who have been steeped in its tenets, rejects colorblindness as both impossible and inequitable. The American Bar Association (ABA) explains that CRT is not a diversity and inclusion “training,” but a “practice” – not a noun, but a verb. The ABA continues:

It critiques how the social construction of race and institutionalized racism perpetuate a racial caste system that relegates people of color to the bottom tiers. CRT also recognizes that race intersects with other identities, including sexuality, gender identity, and others. CRT recognizes that racism is not a bygone relic of the past. Instead, it acknowledges that the legacy of slavery, segregation, and the imposition of second-class citizenship on Black Americans and other people of color continue to permeate the social fabric of this nation.

This official description of CRT from the ABA is worth paying attention to for a few reasons. First, if CRT isn’t merely training, but a practice, that means it isn’t confined to one day or even one aspect of life. It’s something you do over and over again so it becomes ingrained in your way of thinking and seeing the world.

Because it’s “evolving” and “malleable,” you can never say “these are the rules” or “we have a just social system.” You can never rest because this practice and evolution entail constantly searching for new aspects of injustice. Thus, people who ascribe to CRT are fond of phrases such as, “We have not yet reached the mountaintop,” “The arc of history bends toward justice,” and so on.

“A racial caste system that relegates people of color to the bottom tiers” implies that race is used by all white people (and only white people) to oppress all people of color. It doesn’t matter how many black CEOs, doctors, engineers, politicians, or celebrities there are. Nor does it matter that Asian students academically outperform white students. Because whites are the single largest racial group in the country, under CRT they and anything that can be even remotely linked to white culture are considered oppressive to all non-white people.

The more “victim” categories a person falls into, the more oppressed he or she is by whites, particularly straight white men (even if the person never experiences disparate treatment). If you are a disabled black lesbian, you are oppressed because of your multiple and intersecting identities, according to CRT and closely related intersectionality theory.

Finally, the description of “the legacy of slavery, segregation, and the imposition of second-class status on Black Americans and other people of color continue to permeate the social fabric of this nation,” is referring to what we have come to know as “systemic racism.” Because the United States was primarily founded by and populated by whites, and because slavery and Jim Crow were due to whites, every system in the United States is tainted by racism to this day.

Whiteness as a Microaggression

Our economic system, school system, criminal justice system – all of them are fundamentally racist, concludes CRT. The proof offered in support of this proposition is that blacks and Hispanics have worse outcomes than whites, even when no proof of disparate treatment is offered. Nor is the fact that Asians do better across almost all these metrics than whites disprove that the systems are fundamentally racist.

“Whiteness” and “white privilege” are also important concepts in CRT. They’re linked to the concept of “racial caste” discussed above. The taxpayer-funded Smithsonian National Museum of African-American History maintains that “whiteness” is “at the core of understanding race in America” and “the standard by which all other groups are compared.” The Smithsonian continues:

Whiteness and the normalization of white racial identity throughout America’s history have created a culture where nonwhite persons are seen as inferior or abnormal. Whiteness (and its accepted normality) also exist as everyday microaggressions toward people of color. Acts of microaggressions include verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults toward nonwhites. Whether intentional or not, these attitudes communicate hostile, derogatory, or harmful messages.

Since white people in America hold most of the political, institutional, and economic power, they receive advantages that nonwhite groups do not. These benefits and advantages, or varying degrees, are known as white privilege. For many white people, this can be hard to hear, understand, or accept – but it is true. If you are white in America, you have benefited from the color of your skin.

CRT’s been gaining influence over the past several decades but has exploded since the George Floyd incident last summer. White supremacy is alleged to be everywhere. You don’t see it? You may not have noticed it because it’s so integral to American society. Therefore, if you’re a white person, you must constantly examine yourself and your society for any clues of your white supremacy. If you’re a person of color, you must reflect on how white supremacy has affected you.

‘Behaviors’ of White People

To give one example, in August 2020 the University of Kentucky held training for student resident advisors (RAs). There was one training for “Black, Indigenous, Person of Color,” which was called the “Healing Space for Staff of Color,” while white RAs were expected to attend the “White Accountability Space.”

RAs who were participating in the “White Accountability Space” were directed to review an attached document entitled “Common racist behaviors and attitudes of white people” prior to the session. The “behaviors and attitudes” in the document included:

  • Believe that they have “earned” what they have, rather than acknowledge the extensive white privilege and unearned advantages they receive; believe that if people of color just worked harder . . .
  • Not notice the daily indignities that people of color experience; deny them and rationalize them away with PLEs (perfectly logical explanations)
  • Accept and feel safer around people of color who have assimilated and are “closer to white”
  • Blame people of color for the barriers and challenges they experience; believe that if they “worked harder” they could “pull themselves up by their bootstraps”
  • Dismiss and minimize frustrations of people of color and categorize the person raising issues as militant, angry, having an attitude, working their agenda, not a team player, playing the “race card” . . .
  • Focus on their “good intent” as whites, rather than on the negative impact of their behavior;
  • Focus on how much progress we have made, rather than on how much more needs to change
  • “Walk on eggshells” and act more distant and formal with people of color
  • Segregate themselves from people of color and rarely develop authentic relationships across race
  • Dismiss the racist experiences of people of color with comments such as: “That happens to me too,” “You’re too sensitive,” “That happened because of ____,” “It has nothing to do with race!”
  • Exaggerate the level of intimacy they have with individual people of color
  • Fear that they will be seen and “found out” as a racist, having racial prejudice
  • Focus on themselves as an individual (I’m not racist; I’m a good white), and refuse to acknowledge the cultural and institutional racism people of color experience daily
  • Look to people of color for direction, education, and coaching on how to act and what not to do
  • Compete with other whites to be “the good white”: the best ally, the one people of color let into their circle, etc.

In short, whites are “damned if they do, and damned if they don’t.”

The University of Kentucky training wasn’t an isolated incident. There was similar training for white male employees of the Sandia National Laboratory, for employees of the Seattle city government, and for teachers in the Buffalo Public Schools, to name but a few. They’re almost certainly taking place in your city government and public school system. They teach Americans to hate their country and each other.


Isn’t it ridiculous that an entire system was developed specifically to provide a bevy of weapons to use against others? Who does that and why?

There is NO proof of the existence of systemic racism, corporate racism, or institutional racism. Racism exists on its own. It’s, in the context of this story, little more than a tool with which to denigrate others.

Seldom do we hear of instances where “enlightened” Americans from every background put differences aside and simply find ways to get along with others with NO regard for differences. We KNOW that happens far more than the opposite! Yet peace, tranquility, and unity among people with vast differences are hard to weaponize. Therefore, there’s little pursuit of it.

That’s sad. Politicians inevitable while campaigning default to the promises of unity and the setting aside of differences. They all promise to lead us in that direction if elected. Seldom is that unity a result of their efforts.

I remember a time in my young life that, in my world, there was little racial rancor. It existed, but primarily in an environment that sought reconciliation of differences. We’re told that is the plan for our nation politically. But facts seldom bear that out.

No nation can long survive such hatred and divisiveness. The USSR’s Nikita Krushchev, Leonid Brezhnev, and Yuri Andropov are spinning in their graves, unable to believe that after all their efforts to undermine and divide Americans, we’re doing it much more successfully to ourselves. And we’re accomplishing it in a dramatic fashion.

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