“TNN Live!” Thursday, February 23, 2023

Today’s show is THE most important show we have done in the last 4 years. Dr. Judy Mikovits is our guest. She worked with Anthony Fauci in the 90s seeking a cure (vaccination) for HIV-Aids. She perfected a research document detailing their work that Fauci demanded she turnover to him to publish. She refused. Subsequently, Fauci had her house stormed in the middle of the night, took the research project captive, and threw her into prison for more than a week with no contact with the outside World. She still doesn’t know where she was held. “TNN Live!” was the first place she came after she was released from a gag order to tell this story. In this interview — which was done June 20, 2020 — Dr. Mikovits told us EXACTLY what would happen regarding our COVID pandemic: masks, massive layoffs, lockdowns, and vaccines. And each of them happened!

This is a show you must listen to and share!

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