What Now?

Tens of millions of Americans have asked that question since Tuesday night — and justifiably so. There is so much confusion in the U.S. today that people simply don’t know what has happened nor what to do right now. It was staggering to at least 71 million Americans when the Associated Press (AP) and FOX News on Saturday announced loudly that Joe Biden won the election. Why was it staggering? Because NO one has yet won the election! Also, because FOX News — which was formerly the only conservative major news television source — on election night showed its true colors: FOX News has “crossed over” to the other side. (We’ll get into that another day)

Americans are asking MANY questions in their multiple shocks during and after last week’s election results were slowly released by the Media. In today’s (Monday, November 9, 2020) “TNN Live” show, we provide video and audio evidence that exposes in explicit detail at least part of the plot that made the election results what they were. Not only do we have factual information about WHAT happened, but we also have facts that prove WHO made it happen. (Make sure you tune in to the show at 9:00 Central by clicking this link on your computer or internet-connected phone: )

In our show today, we begin to give specific evidence of actual election fixing that occurred. But this exposure process will NOT be easy, will NOT be quick, and will NOT be comfortable for many people. There will be howling and finger-pointing by those who are part of this hoax. In fact, that is exactly why FOX News and the AP on Saturday declared that Biden had won. Why? That set the stage for all Democrats as the illegalities of the election fraud are revealed and confirmed to simply scream when it all begins, “There are no facts there. It’s all conspiracy. All that’s happening is Trump is trying to steal a legal election!” Expect that to begin TODAY.

While that process unfolds, we will examine how people are processing and handling what has happened so far: the alleged Biden victory. The first revelation for you partners is really a challenge: a challenge for each of you to remember all the statements and promises made during the 2020 campaign by, not just Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, but by every Democrat candidate that ran for President.

  • They promised to unite Americans because we are now more divided than ever;
  • Joe promised “we won’t have red states and blue states. I will be the President of the United States.” Is that really the plan?
  • They promised that political party, ethnicity, religion, and immigration status will no longer matter.

These are just a few of Biden and Company promises if they were elected.

How are they doing so far on those promises?

Here’s just one proposal from a Biden supporter:

“A Radical Proposal for Dealing with Trump Supporters After Biden Wins”

Column by Russ Josephs

“Now we have an opportunity to try and stamp out that darkness once and for all.”

Do you feel the love of what you just read? Do you feel the sincerity to drop the political and partisan barriers and work for “the common good?”

Some of you probably thought this: “Dan, that’s just one person’s opinion. There’s no universal hatred for those who supported President Trump. We’ll all get along and be fine! The guy who said that is just a blogger.”

What About Our Leaders?

Do you remember what happened during the Eisenhower presidency? Hundreds of Americans were “black-listed,” forced to appear before the nastiest of Congressional committees in televised questioning to prove they were NOT Communists. Hundreds of people’s lives and careers were destroyed because they were labeled as Communists. That’s no big deal today, right? We would never do such horrible things to each other in America now!

Fast forward roughly 70 years and the left has decided blacklists mightn’t be the worst idea.

Not for them, of course. In fact, one of the loudest voices in the post-election call to have supporters of President Donald Trump blacklisted was Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, a self-described socialist:

“Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee the decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future,” she wrote in a Friday tweet.

Yes, I can see it now. The House Cancelation Committee, chaired by Ocasio-Cortez: “Do you now or have you ever owned a MAGA hat?”

Not only is this counterproductive, but it’s also not terribly frightening to many she’s potentially targeting:

Lol at the “party of personal responsibility” being upset at the idea of being responsible for their behavior over last four years — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) November 6, 2020

i love seeing TRUMP supporters CRY, it’s my daily medicine, my weekly energy, my monthly inspiration and my yearly motivation. Their loss is the only reason i’m still alive, i was born to love and enjoy the failure that they have achieved. — Fern (@shadeofblue20) November 7, 2020


Get ready, folks. Black Lives Matter on Saturday in New York hung an effigy of President Trump decapitated. Signs, banners, and posters were everywhere in NYC as the festivities (which ignored COVID, by the way) were many and were loud and strong. And they will begin to target, not President Trump alone, but everyone who worked for and with him along with the 70+ million that voted for him this year and supported him for the previous four years.

Do Not Fear. This will end well for the United States!

Every day this week, we will publish real facts garnered from real sources that are not just insiders from Washington, but people that are and have been undercover throughout this entire election process. Court cases have been and will be initiated in great numbers with a plethora of evidence in each.

Here’s the tough part: we can no longer trust the media sources we formerly felt comfortable with. Sadly, FOX News is in the tank! For a year I have felt that way and spoken of and written about it here and elsewhere. Thankfully, the likes of Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and even the trio of “Fox and Friends” (Steve Doocy, Ainsley Earhardt, and Brian Kilmeade) are firmly in the “conservative” column. I fear for the pressure they must certainly be feeling to move into the “Left Column” will pull any away from Conservatism. Currently, besides those, I can no longer watch or even read FOX News.

Who to turn to?

NEWS MAX TV is a good start. Their look and star-quality on-air personalities are a slight downgrade, but their facts are valid and their news is truthful. For written information, I recommend EPOCH TIMES, Western Journal, www.NewsMax.com, and, of course, TruthNewsNetwork. But, as always, listen, watch, read, and then always confirm facts on your own before making what you receive in news your own.

Make sure to tune to “TNN Live” today between 9:00 to 11:00 AM for more details on all of this. And throughout this week we will have special guests from time-to-time who will each shed more light on the truth of what we face.

As always, don’t forget: “God’s Got This!”

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