Will COVID-Insanity Ever End?

I’ll answer my question right now: “Unfortunately, only when the next Conservative moves into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.”

Please don’t take that statement as if it comes from a hardcore Republican or right-winger. I’m not either. I am a conservative: not a conservative in-name-only. I’m an American who has spent the last 50 years of my life paying close attention to political matters in the nation. I quit simply reading or listening, or watching the news. I started way back then asking questions.

It’s funny that when you ask a lot of questions to a lot of people who supposedly know more than you, you always get a lot of answers — different answers. But that’s OK. If you ask a lot of questions, you’ll get at least a bunch of answers. Then it became MY job to investigate the evidence supporting or destroying the responses I received.

So here’s my latest question I’ve been asking a lot of people, many are the so-called medical “Experts” that control our lives entirely, at least regarding our healthcare: “What will it take to gain control of COVID-19 and all its various strains?”

Getting “real” answers to that is sometimes like pulling teeth. Still, the nation seems to be making fitful progress toward COVID sanity: notice I didn’t say “…but the nation seems to be making fitful progress toward taking control of COVID-19 and its various strains.”

To be honest, I doubt there is some knight on a stallion set to ride into Washington with a satchel containing COVID’s cure. I’m confident we’re far away from that. But, finally, many federal, state, and local leaders in politics and healthcare seem to finally be awakening to understand, “Something wrong’s going on.”

Who Might Those Leaders Be?

In New York, Gov. Hochul and (especially) Mayor Adams refuse to panic amid the Omicron wave, as their teams offer even more good sense and better information. Glimmers of sanity are even showing in President Biden’s orbit.

Plenty of idiocy remains, even on the Supreme Court, where Friday’s hearing on Biden’s vaccine mandate for most U.S. businesses brought some giant whoppers from the liberal wing.

  • For one, Justice Steven Breyer pointed to “750 million new COVID cases yesterday” — when the entire U.S. population is only half that figure. He also said, “Hospitals are full almost to the point of the maximum,” another wild error: The overall inpatient population isn’t growing.
  • Justice Sonia Sotomayor, meanwhile, claimed vaccination prevents transmission of the virus — contradicting no less than Biden CDC chief Rochelle Walensky, who noted this summer that Delta rendered that untrue.

And it’s even worse with Omicron, though that variant has proved far milder. Not that Sotomayor has noticed: She said Friday that it’s as deadly, another colossal error. That rivals her wild claim that “we have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition, and many on ventilators.” (The actual “official” number of children in hospitals for COVID-19 is 3500. And few are ventilated.)

Not that any of those “facts” have a thing to do with whether Biden’s mandate is constitutional: It’s not, and (thankfully) other justices showed far more sense.

Meanwhile, a pack of former Biden advisers on COVID are facing the fact that the coronavirus will be with us forever, albeit while posing a far less deadly threat, releasing a package of recommendations in the Journal of the American Medical Association under the headline, “A National Strategy for the ‘New Normal’ of Life With COVID.”

The specific ideas from Ezekial “Dr. Death” Emanuel and his colleagues range from the sound (allowing far more telemedicine and medical practice across state lines) to the absurd (permanent “vaccine passports” for all Americans). Still, at least they’re clear that “Zero COVID” is a foolish and unattainable goal.

The prez himself now admits, “Having COVID in the environment here and in the world is probably here to stay,” which follows his belated recognition that “there is no federal solution” to the virus. (But leopards don’t change their spots: He still wants his vax mandate to go through, and the White House is reportedly looking at asking for more “COVID relief” funds.)

Even the CDC has been showing some reason, reducing its recommendations for quarantine down to five days, “even” for kids.

And the Food and Drug Administration is (reluctantly) OK’ing some of the new treatments. But both agencies remain primarily stuck in their old afraid-to-approve-anything-new ways, delaying approval of anti-COVID innovations already in wide use around the world. And the White House (unlike Team Trump) is letting them get away with it.

But New York City’s change of leadership is proving a huge plus. Former Mayor Bill de Blasio was actually pretty good at keeping schools open, but Adams is a true stalwart despite the Omicron panic among many teachers. And Adams’ new schools’ chancellor, David Banks, looks to have good common sense, at least, telling The New York Post: “A lot of time people talk about remote learning, but they talk about that from an adult perspective,” when, “if you listen to this from a student perspective, the kids want to be in school.”

Meanwhile, New York’s new governor has already delivered on her vow to get more detailed info from hospitals — and to share it. On Friday of last week, she revealed that half of the city hospitalizations “with” COVID “involved patients who tested positive after being admitted for ‘non-COVID reasons’ ” —  the statewide figure is about 40%.

That means the rise in hospitalization is less cause for worry since it’s a weak signal of greater actual danger. Plus, as Hochul has also noted, the soaring numbers of people testing positive in this Omicron wave have led to far fewer hospitalizations and death.

Because Omicron is much milder, the gov even urged people not to use the E.R. to get tested unless their symptoms are severe. That makes complete sense: You don’t worry about just what flu or cold virus has hit you; if you’re not really sick, you shouldn’t have any great fear over Omicron; treat the symptoms.

And, as new state Health Commissioner Mary Bassett explained Friday, cases seem to be leveling off as rapidly as they did in South Africa’s Omicron wave.

“I think we can expect a difficult January, but things should be much better by February,” she said.

She also offered comfort to children and their parents, noting that the state still has just 211 kids hospitalized with COVID — up from 14 on Dec. 1, but still a tiny total in a state with 3 million under-18s. And none are in the ICU.

Many folks are still clinging to COVID hysteria, especially among America’s sheltered elites. But after nearly two years, sound sense is finally winning out: MAYBE.


Did you notice the medical “experts” not mentioned in this diatribe? Fauci, Wollensky, and all of the political purveyors of the Biden “COVID-mantra” are certainly not qualified to weigh in on any of this. Joe Biden? He’s doing good to remember his last name. He certainly cannot remember the names of his cabinet.

The insanity of COVID is best illustrated not by Fauci but by the fact that millions of leaders — OTHER leaders — in the nation just fell in line and joined the COVID march to the hospital. Oh: they all wore their masks the entirety of the trip!

What proves best that a top-to-bottom shuffling of the membership of the U.S. Congress is just how many members embraced the company line on all things COVID and quickly joined Fauci, Biden, and Wollensky to prove to the nation (and the world) that they proudly joined the death march.

It’s the American people, with the assistance of REAL scientists and doctors, who rebuff the mantra of the Heathcare-Political Bureaucracy to embrace the common sense suggestions of thousands of experts — REAL experts — who have treated collectively millions of COVID patients around the world — SUCCESSFULLY!

There’s no need to point to them and their treatment measures. You’ve heard them all, if only in the context of Anthony Fauci et al. disputing every one of their successes with political, elitist thuggery and NOT FACTS!

It’s time to choose. It’s time to demonstrably determine the proper and truthful path for treating those in your family and yourself. And, maybe, more importantly, it’s time to not only push back against the COVID-Mafia and their egregious processes and mandates but to take personal action to do the right thing.

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