Will Political Divisiveness Lead to Armageddon?

I hear it daily: “Donald Trump lies all the time! He has split this country right down the middle. We have lost our respect in the World. No other countries trust us. How can anyone vote for a man running for office that is as evil as is he?”

OR —

Joe Biden is as corrupt a politician as I have ever seen! He’s a pervert, a serial liar, and plagiarist, and embellishes everything accomplished while he was Vice President while taking responsibility for everything good achieved from 2009-2016!”

This story is not a defense of Donald Trump or anyone else, nor is it an attack on Joe Biden or any other politician. This is an analysis of what I feel is the greatest threat and most potent weapon used today to push our nation to the brink of Armageddon: Divisiveness.


Great, and sometimes unfriendly, division between different groups of people.

Doesn’t that describe what we are watching in the U.S.? Whether it’s on the floor of Congress, at a public or private school, in our neighborhoods, playgrounds, churches, sporting events, divisiveness appears to be consuming our national institutions while it devours all of us. We see church membership dropping, church attendance trickles, educational institutions achieving less and less good results in teaching our kids, massive racial divide that is now militarized, urban and rural America have never before seemed so vastly opposite. Just three years ago, no one heard even a whisper about rioting in America or attacks of free speech rally attenders, angst against the National Anthem, and even Old Glory. Our law enforcement officers were still heroes, as were our first responders.

There was still a sense of hunger among Americans to first search for commonalities when meeting new people. Today, it seems that we all, when leaving our “safe-haven” of acquaintances, gravitate to clones of ourselves rather than to integrate into groups of people with no regard to who they are, what they do, skin color, or religion.

We have made differences far more critical than ignoring our differences to instead concentrate on common traits: like being Americans.

No doubt, Politics has led the way.

Political Divide

Make no mistake: this nation has always been politically divided. In fact, it was founded to give all of us the right to have different political views. Our founders fled a continent to establish a nation that was free from the mandate of “One Thought” — the philosophy that only one perspective was the right perspective in government. For centuries in Europe, all political might was held closely by a small  partisan group of people. No, there was not one European continental political philosophy. But in each country, there WAS only one such perspective allowed.

Europe had no patent on this theory of governing. It has existed for thousands of years. Its foundation is “Meism” — the thought that one person’s opinions are sacred, righteous, and are the only ones allowed in governing. Those are the ones that seemed to always rise to the top, allowed and perpetuated by sometimes duels, fights to the death, and even numerous military battles between internal factions and even nations that resulted in the deaths of millions.

America was to be “the” place on Earth which recognized that all men are created equal. There was a unified justice system that guaranteed equal justice for all, and that within that structure, all persons would be guaranteed the unfettered life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That was not intended to (and didn’t) eradicate individualism or diversity of thought. There were plenty of those to go around. But what DID happen was people of all races, creeds, colors, religions, and political perspectives were treated equally under the law. Even within that scenario, things didn’t always go smoothly.

Let’s start with that last thought and race forward a few centuries. Even though we remain governed by the same Constitution and share all with a diversity of people, we do not nearly as did our forefathers fight to unite ourselves. Instead of using our commonalities to craft and perpetuate unity, we use the identities of those among us — both real and perceived — to push each other away.  Our justification for doing so is that one is right, and all others are wrong.  It’s as if in 2020, we have come full-circle in our social and political thinking and are where the American settlers were in Europe before fleeing.

This, on its own, was not bad enough to stoke the fires that today burn in our largest cities. Our “Meism” started this all of this chaos and terror. But Americans for 260 years have kept such selfishness at bay. Things changed when the century-meter ticked to “21” — The 21st Century.

Who lit the fuse? Politicians, media, and political parties, all became willing pawns in the evilest of processes that any 16th-century American could have ever imagined. That evil has a name: Divisiveness.

Remember that supposed instruction from Alexander the Great, “Divide and Conquer?” He worked that formula to perfection. What has evolved here reaches nowhere near the atrocities of Alexander in Europe and Asia. But we today are just getting started!

Strange Bedfellows: Political Party and Media

Hitler mastered the use of the German media to sell Naziism. Naziism and Media paired together almost devoured the entire world. The forces of good that were born in the New World and grew into the United States of America delivered the death nail to Fascism. (regardless of what ANTIFA claims) It remained pretty firm until 21st-century American media discovered just how powerful it is. They joined forces with politicians and, ultimately, chose a political party with which to unite.

We will not spend time trying to coerce anyone into believing this — it speaks for itself. We awakened one day to discover that “truth” is not a stand-alone, but a “state of existence” subject to what the media portray it to be. That means the press determines all things applicable to itself and their political party.

For eight years, this unholy union worked pretty well. The marriage of the Democrat Party and the Mainstream Media was initially tenuous, but after eight years, perfecting the weaponization of divisiveness cemented their partnership. Subsequently, they have honed their skills to divide Americans using every tool in the book.

Understand this: divisiveness certainly exists outside of this union. Anyplace there are humans, there are those who market division. Identity Politics is easy to create and easier to perpetuate. Human nature sadly kicks-in when people feel the rush of power that accompanies taking control of others.


Where are we headed? Honestly, the choice is, thankfully, not up to this conglomerate that controls Washington D.C. and far too many other large U.S. cities. It’s up to 320 million Americans who control who leads.

What we are all watching today is the peeling of the corruption onion that this partnership has put in the American vegetable drawer. What’s been seen so far is ugly and is working well in achieving the divisiveness necessary to continue to grow and spread.

The recently peeled onion layers exposed egregious alleged wrongdoing on the part of Joe Biden. On its surface, it appears it might be some type of syndicate that has quietly spread its tentacles across the nation infecting as many people as possible. If nothing else, it is symbiotic of the central piece of this partnership: the evil of divisiveness to gain total control.

Just look back at the unified war by Democrats and the Media against Donald Trump that, more than any other in my lifetime, divided America. At first, they felt that they could use the Mueller Investigation to find dirt sufficient to eliminate their opponent using negative information. Any news of Trump accomplishments Americans could not be seen by Americans.

When nothing came from it, they panicked and launched a Hail Mary impeachment plan. With its defeat, full-fledged panic set in. Then came COVID-19, a perfect tool for their plot. And the duo of the Media and Democrat Party have scrambled ever since. Yet they can coast because their steady and consistent misrepresentation of cherry-picked news stories keep a terrible light shining on Trump. Their objective? Keep Americans divided and expand the gulf between truth and fiction. Boy, are they ever good at it!

Where are we headed?  Regardless of what Democrats and the Media think, where we go is NOT up to them. It is totally in the hands of the American people. Divisiveness is a choice that people choose to make part of their psyche. Nobody can force another to swallow it.

Sadly, voting on its on will NOT change any of this. It is feared there are multiple things in place to thwart the voting process IF the union’s hoped-for election results fail. Their assurance in success lies solely in the hope that they have successfully seeded their lies in sufficient numbers of Americans to tip this election their way.

To their chagrin, this Biden corruption story has reared its ugly head with enough time to reveal some of its evils. And if that happens before November 3rd, it will awaken some who joined the Democrat/Media Mob. But will it be enough?

Here’s what MUST happen for this union of evil to be stopped: Americans MUST unify in a stand against divisiveness. Americans MUST unite to reject the appearance of evil, seek and find the Truth in all this, and join with each other to regain control of our government.

Can it be done? Certainly! All it will take is for Americans to awaken, examine all told by leaders in both parties and the Media, and find the truth of all! 

That might be a tall order, but it’s necessary to push through this wall of evil rejecting what seems to be an eventuality: the destruction of the Rule of Law and American Justice.

By the way: the Bible weighed-in with some good advice for all who will enter the fray:  “Don’t let evil defeat you, but defeat evil with good.” (Romans‬ ‭12:21)

We’re all guilty of entering the battle and to remaining on defense. NO war has ever been won using just defensive measures. Attacking evil across a battle-line is necessary. ‬

Our battle-lines are drawn, and our foes clearly identified. The question is: do we Americans have the desire and fortitude to reject the talking-points and evils weaponized to divide the nation further. At stake are all the principles and ideals on which this country is based. Are we merely going to allow this unholy union of a political party with today’s media to create false realities — if there even is such a thing — to destroy our nation?

If not, be assured, Armageddon is not too far away.

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