Will We Ever Know?

Today we find ourselves still mired in nothing but a big pile of question marks. We’ve been dealing with COVID-19 since February when the U.S. started having confirmed cases of Coronavirus. We’re less than a week away from June. And we still don’t know the answers to this virus!

Why is knowing all this stuff so important? There are many reasons:

  • The cost in human lives, human resources, national resources, lost time and gross domestic product, skyrocketing unemployment, massive business losses not to mention the political costs for the blame for everything to do with responses are incalculable;
  • If we cannot find a verified source for the virus, how can we know for certain what measures will be effective to first eradicate it and then assure it doesn’t happen again?
  • What if China or Russia, either in solo or in tandem, weaponized the virus against the U.S. and/or any other countries on Earth? Wouldn’t doing so be sufficient to initiate massive actions against any responsible country by any and all countries impacted?
  • “If” China really did weaponize it to use against the U.S., and its “accidental” leaking from their Wuhan laboratory sparked the worldwide pandemic, are there no financial repercussions for China for their responsibility?

But, I guess the most important thing we need to know is when will it be safe for us to return our normal lives? I’m fearful that until we can answer that question, American life MAY recover some of its economic vitality, but I think it will take years to revitalize multiple segments in our economy. There are certainly horrors in our economic infrastructure that as of yet have not even been identified.

For today, why don’t we start at the beginning and go to the “horse’s mouth” to lay some type of foundation on which we can build answers to try to get going in our massive rebuilding project?


Chinese virologist Shi-Zheng Li, who has studied the origin of the coronavirus in SARS-like bats previously, said the virus everyone now knows is just “the tip of the iceberg.” Shi works at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, an institution that, in light of international criticism blaming the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for spreading the virus, has aligned itself with the CCP’s misleading explanations. Although there are now a growing number of reports denying the natural origin of the CCP Virus, in an interview on Monday, May 25th with a CCP state-run television station, Shi said an international effort is needed to prevent similar outbreaks of infection and that knowledge of viruses carried by wild animals is necessary. Shi’s recent warnings created even more suspicions about the CCP’s intentions in the pandemic after she was the target of numerous criticisms. She did manage to decode the virus strain in three days in December last year. As reported, Shi’s discovery could have been very useful in the early development of diagnostic tests as well as vaccines to treat the disease, “IF” the CCP would have warned the World and cooperated with the U.S. who offered on multiple occasions to send virologists and immunologists to China to help with the virus problem. The CCP declined each time. Shi confessed that after communicating her findings in a conference she had attended last year to research new unidentified diseases, she was fearful about the possibility that the CCP Virus had escaped from the laboratory. Rumors began to circulate on social networks that Shi had at one point been pressured to discard the reports she had prepared, was forced to flee with several confidential documents to the U.S. Embassy in Paris, although later she herself denied the information through the Chinese social network WeChat.“No matter how difficult things are, it (defecting) shall never happen. We’ve done nothing wrong. With a strong belief in science, we will see the day when the clouds disperse and the sun shines,” wrote Shi.

Gao Yu, a reporter who interviewed Shi, said, “We learned later her institute finished gene-sequencing and related tests as early as January 2 but was muzzled.” That meant, of course, that the knowledge of the virus, its release, and how and where it initially traveled was already known at the first of the year.

Amid the controversy over Shi’s statements, a 15-page intelligence report obtained by the Australian newspaper Saturday Telegraph was released, which points to the silencing of several doctors by the CCP who tried to talk about the virus. The document also indicates that important evidence was destroyed and doctors working on a vaccine were denied access to samples. According to the declassified file, the CCP began censorship on Dec. 31 of last year.

The CCP has at the same time reinforced the idea that the virus did not come from the Wuhan lab after Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying said this month that the Wuhan Virology Institute was not the source of the outbreak after reviews of the facility were conducted, The Washington Times reported.

But amid the global alarm generated by the pandemic, more studies and statements by medical experts have gradually come to light that suggests the CCP Virus may have had an artificial source.

In April, Richard H. Height, a well-known molecular biologist whose expertise on the CCP Virus has been highlighted several times by the Washington Post and MSNBC, told the Daily Caller News Foundation that there was a high probability that the virus had leaked from a laboratory accident.

A recent study by a group of Australian scientists investigating a cure for the CCP Virus found “a remarkable coincidence or a sign of human intervention.”

The findings made by the scientists led by Dr. Nikolai Petrovsky of the University of Flinders, Australia, were observed after analyzing high-throughput computer models to study the virus’s ability to attack 12 varieties of exotic and domestic animals.

“The results clearly show that the COVID-19 virus is exquisitely adapted to infect humans,” Petrovsky said.


There you have it from the horse’s mouth: the scientist who was there from the beginning. And here we are at least six months into the existence of this virus and its being loose running amuck all over the Earth and we still don’t know almost everything!

Call me a simple guy, but to me, something just doesn’t smell right. We’ve all heard the conspiracy theories about the purpose and the origins of the virus: Chinese scientists developed it in a Canadian laboratory on behalf of the CCP and sneaked it out of Canada back to the lab in Wuhan; a Chinese scientist who hated the U.S. and the rest of the West intentionally took the virus from the lab and personally carried it to Canada and the U.S. and then released it. And the stories go on and on. But we’re here almost six months later and we know very little about this virus — heck we don’t even know if it for sure is a virus!

One would think that being the foremost country on Earth in just about every field of science and medicine, having THE virus guy in this from the get-go who has for half a century been up to his eyeballs in infectious disease research on behalf of the nation, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and having what is reputedly the most proficient national science research entity on earth in the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), we would already know something. But here we sit after the first boring Memorial Day weekend of my life and we cannot even agree how far apart it is safe for people to socially distance!

One thing IS certain: our current President, even with the incessant flack and insults and even threats he faces daily, is the only President I can remember who actually performs better when he’s under fire. If all it takes for him to step up to the plate to hit a guaranteed homer is pressure, we have the right to expect nothing less! But the problem for President Trump is this is happening in a field that is outside his circle of knowledge. That certainly doesn’t mean he’s stupid — anything but that. But as a successful business manager who has run companies with thousands of employees for decades, he knows that when knowledge in any specific area is missing, there’s someone out there that has the information necessary to push through any challenge. And for this challenge, the “experts” — Pelosi and Schumer — made it clear he needed Anthony Fauci. Of course, they insisted that he have someone who could “get him to listen to real advice” and take whatever actions the experts recommended.

How’s that Fauci guidance working out for us right now?

“If” the Democrats are somehow NOT part of the initiation of this pandemic, (and I pray they have no involvement) they certainly didn’t waste a minute to line up with stones and are wasting no time to start the stoning of President Trump. They, as quickly as they could, weaponized COVID-19 and made it a Donald Trump responsibility — or they’ve tried to.

I don’t know what their weaponization intentions were, but I doubt they considered the cost to the American people and the economy this pandemic and its fallout is today. So they just continue to go with the flow. Nancy and Chuck better pray that if they did have some role in this that it never comes to life. You think those Michigan folks showing up at the state Capitol in Lansing with those guns strapped to their legs were a bit upset for missing their haircuts and manicures, wait until they are told that Democrats orchestrated this shutdown!

I always like to end by giving my advice about what we can do. But I don’t have any! I’m just like every other American at this point. We can pray. We can watch, listen, and learn. We can continually try to find answers even though to do that we are forced to wade through the weeds of disinformation and lies from the Left.

Here’s the one thing I hold onto: our divine Father led our forefathers away from the totalitarian rule and gave them a new start in a new place with a new clean slate. They very carefully used that slate to craft and establish the greatest representative republic in World history. I believe that the same process is being put in place today to lead us out of this desert in which we find ourselves: hungry, thirsty, lonely, and confused.

Hang in there! And as my Cajun Mom used to say to me when I would get discouraged as a kid: “Keep on Keeping on.” Good advice for me then and good advice for all of us now.


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