Bullet Points April 18, 2020

It’s hard to pick which subjects and stories to use in today’s Bullet Points. I think you’ll agree there are many from which to choose. The last few weeks (that seem like months because of “social distancing”) have been full of Bullet Point “stories” — not necessarily factual stories either. But we cranked up the squirrels in our research mill and got them churning to find the ones we felt would best serve you this morning while you’re eating your store-bought bagel and drinking your home-brewed latte because you can’t go to Starbucks or Panera Bread.


Bullet Points

  • The source of that elusive Coronavirus pandemic has become a greater mystery than if Lee Harvey Oswald had an accomplice or two in the murder of President John F. Kennedy. Wuhan, China, has been tagged as the unwitting culprit in all of this. But Wuhan was NOT the source — at least according to a story coming out of the UK. For complete details, click on this link: 
  • We watched as the streets of Lansing, Michigan were flooded with cars and trucks as part of an organized protest against the draconian executive order issued by Michigan’s governor, forcing everyone to “stay-put!” Michigan residents were restricted from “buying seeds to plant during the pandemic and are not allowed to even visit next-door neighbors. And demonstrations like this are bound to increase. Groups are even getting together and planning more. For more details, click on this link:
  • NOW I know for sure we ARE amid a pandemic. I walked into my local Sams Club store and strolled through to get some oranges. To my horror, not only were all the oranges gone, so were the apples, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and both green and red grapes! In my Sams Club, (and I say “my” because I shop there so often I feel like I own stock in it personally) the meat section encompasses about 200 feet of space on a wall adjacent to the berries. There was NO red meat of any kind remaining at 1:00 PM! There were some chickens, sausage, and a package or two of pigs’ feet, (Hey: it’s Louisiana. Here everyone considers pigs’ feet a delicacy) but NO red meat. But I knew we were in trouble when I realized: there are NO frozen pizzas anywhere! And Sams Club is NOT alone on that one. For complete details, click on this link:
  • On TNN Live Friday, we did a complete story about the mortality rate from COVID-19 controversy. But many of you were not listening in. You need to know about this, so it certainly bears your consideration. It boils down to this: when you hear the numbers of the deceased from COVID-19, you cannot believe the numbers. And there are several reasons why the numbers we hear are unreliable. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Folks from Texas are proud of their state: the biggest state of the 49 contiguous. But they’re not so much excited about the square miles; they stay excited about the diversity in pretty much everything which Americans revel in experiencing. No, the waterparks, big game hunting, fishing, water skiing, bicycling, the Cowboys and Texans are not on their respective turfs in Dallas and Houston, but there are plenty of things Texans will be quick to point out are the best anywhere. And they surely enjoy being number one in many areas — though not in NFL or college football! And when it comes to turning on the “get-back-to-work spicket,” Texas takes the lead. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Friday evening, the state of Florida was one of the first to take advantage of the White House task force’s reactivation three-step program. And Jacksonville jumped right into the flow of reopening their beaches. Florida is still dealing with rising COVID-19 infections in parts of the state. But northeast Florida sees stable numbers of cases that have begun to fall. That is one of the keys to initiate reactivation of various states and markets according to the federal plan. It’s unclear today if any other counties and cities in Florida will open this weekend. But Floridians are taking advantage of the key provision of the President’s plan: allowing the 50 governors to determine exactly how and when each state is going to get back in the water. For complete details, click on this link:
  • The United States is far from being the lone country in our neck of the woods struggling in the COVID-19 pandemic. Our largest neighbor to the south, Mexico, is having its difficulties. We’ve attacked a comprehensive article that discusses in snippets the current status regarding coronavirus in several U.S. states and cities. Still, it also illustrates how the U.S. is helping others out in ways to fight the virus with tools those countries don’t have on their own. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Imagine awakening tomorrow morning, looking out your window only to see wild animals walking down your street! If you live in South Africa, you are likely to see just that. The pandemic has taken many residents off the streets, but the streets aren’t necessarily empty. You are likely to see lions — not just a few, but maybe even an entire pride of lions! It probably won’t be lions, but in Italy and even New Delhi, you’ll see a host of different wild critters taking advantage of the lack of human “interference” because of COVID-19. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Who oh who will get the nod to join Uncle Joe Biden on the campaign trail as his Vice President running mate? Names of possibilities abound. The one thing that seems certain in almost every VP candidate’s list you see is all female. Biden pledged early on to choose a female to join his ticket. (I wonder if his wife, Jill, will be able to keep Joe’s hands where they belong on the campaign jet!) For complete details, including some of the potential choices and why each is being considered, click on this link:
  • Have you spent much of your corona-vacation looking at Zillow to choose the house you’re going to buy because of all the extra money you’ll have at the end of the corona-camp? I’m sure you’ve looked at dozens and dozens of new home candidates. And, if you’re like me, you have a search saved in Zillow based on “most expensive first.” You just THINK you’ve seen the most spectacular house on Earth! Think $280 million for the “main” house one billionaire owns. But in another country, he has another mansion for which he paid a whopping $250 million! For complete details (and LOTS of pictures), click on this link:
  • God forbid that any of the Hollywood elites would be attacked by the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemics. But they have. And it’s not the bigshots either. It’s their staff who put together their shows. America’s favorite daytime darling Ellen is in deep trouble with many of those that work on her show. It seems that Ellen is NOT filming her daily show in her normal studio. Instead, the filming is shot at her home. So what’s the hubbub about that? Her studio staff is NOT shooting the show at her house. You’d think they’d enjoy getting a paid vacation, right? It seems that a NON-UNION replacement staff is shooting the show at Ellen’s. And that means, among other issues, the main crew is NOT being treated fairly. For complete details, click on this link:


TNN Live is now in full swing. If you’ve missed the Monday through Friday live shows from 9:00 to 11:00 AM central, you’re missing a good opportunity to receive even more news from a truthful “perspective.” Make a note to join us on Monday. By the way, on Monday, April 20th, we’ll on the show introduce a great opportunity for all of you for which all you must do is listen to win a nice prize. Join us Monday for the catch-up for the weekend and be the first for all the info you’ll want to know to begin your week in the right way. How do you join in? Just click on the blue-green horizontal button at the top right of the home page that says “Live Now — Click to Listen,” and you’ll go right to show. Besides hearing all the news, you can call-in toll-free and talk about anything you hear or anything you want to discuss. It’s your show!

Have a great day today and a wonderful Sunday. We’ll see you Monday morning!


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