Bullet Points: Saturday, February 29, 2020

Wow, there are certainly many things floating around the nation and the world in the news that each and all impacts you and me. It’s worth it on this Saturday morning to give you as comprehensive as possible synopsis of each of these. Here’s how our Bullet Point feature works: we give you a headline and short summary of the news event. It’s followed by a hyperlink that, if you want to get details on the story, you can click to go directly to the full story.

The Bullet Point concept is simply to give you the opportunity to skim the highlights of the top news stories of the week and to get immediate access to the details of any of those events that you may choose.

Hey, it’s Saturday! Grab a cup of coffee and check out today’s Bullet Points and keep current with the world events most important to you.

  • Coronavirus: The coronavirus news changes by the hour. I encourage you to keep an ear tuned to whatever news source you trust throughout the weekend to keep up with the latest. The biggest piece of news is how the news media is playing this story: it is morphing into “Corona-Gate” — the fourth or fifth attempt by the Left to denigrate President Trump’s ability to respond “appropriately” to the pending “pandemic.” Of course, the two words “appropriately” and “pandemic are totally subjective. But those are the words the current media pundits weaponize for their ongoing war with Mr. Trump. How bad is it and what can be expected as far as exposure, containment, quarantine, and numbers are still in serious question. The bottom line is that no one or no group have definitive answers to any of these questions. But there is plenty of speculation about it. We DO have actual numbers by country and province/state. You can download this link and keep it. You can access the site through the link and refresh it periodically. It will give you all the current numbers of ill, numbers of deaths, and numbers of recoveries: http://coronavirus-realtime.com/
  • The Stock Market: It is common knowledge that this week was the worst week in decades for the stock market regarding losses by percentages: approximately 3500 points from the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Lay the entire loss at the feet of coronavirus. Companies have no idea how it will impact their operations — both domestically and overseas: how will it impact their direct operations, their employees, their work hours, product production, shipping, interfacing with customers, and, of course, their stock prices. But there’s another side to this story: the chance to make large profits by acting IN THIS MARKET ATMOSPHERE. Big time Investors always look for opportunities to “buy low, sell high.” Now, according to experts, might just be the “right time.” For complete details, click on this link: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/coronavirus-stock-market-crash-of-2020-may-have-created-a-once-in-a-lifetime-buying-opportunity-strategist-173608909.html
  • Bernie Madness: Bernie Sanders in several polls has taken a national lead for the Democrat Party nomination for President. Some people are really afraid, (like Democrat Party leaders) while many young Americans who have an open perception of believing Socialism is really a good think who view Bernie as a breath of fresh air the U.S. really needs. For more details, click on this link: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/483408-sanders-opens-12-point-lead-nationally-poll
  • Democrat Party Election Scrambling: Democrat Party leaders are anxious as they watch the South Carolina primary unfold. Joe Biden remains the odds-on favorite to win in South Carolina, but the party-pick to face Donald Trump in the November election is nationally being blasted by Independent Bernie Sanders. Party leadership is nervously watching national polls as Bernie has taken the lead. For complete details, click on this link: https://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/480879-shock-poll-bernie-sanders-takes-the-lead-nationally
  • “It’s Trump’s Fault: Something we see and hear everyday from Democrat Party presidential candidates is “Trump is wrong about this,” or “Trump is wrong about that.” The latest, of course, is that Trump is totally wrong about coronavirus, how we should respond to its certain danger, and where we stand as a nation in fighting it. But, the Associated Press states that these Democrat Presidential contenders have it all wrong. For more details, click on this link: https://apnews.com/d36d6c4de29f4d04beda3db00cb46104
  • Another Whistleblower: A government whistleblower has filed a complaint alleging that some federal workers did not have the necessary protective gear or training when they were deployed to help Americans evacuated from China. Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D-CA), said, “My concern from the moment I heard it is that individuals at HHS are not taking the complaints of HHS employees seriously,” Gomez said in an interview. “Their superiors are not supposed to brush them off. By retaliating against people if they do call out a problem, that only discourages other people from ever reporting violations.” for complete details, click on this link: https://apnews.com/c80d86633aa077b04ca430606c1e10fc


Things in the U.S. are hot and getting hotter! And, at least for now, at this moment there are no conversations about impeaching President Trump — at least for a few minutes!

What we are seeing in America is this very important lesson we all can learn from: sometimes bad things happen to good people, and, often things are much better than they appear to be.

Which of these is appropriate in this coronavirus scare? What about the stock market? Are we headed toward a rapidly escalating recession or is this just a temporary setback due directly from the concerns of coronavirus?

No one has an answer that can yet cannot be verified as correct. In the meantime, fear of a pandemic rules the news media stories and news shows.

It’s time to be cautious — about everything. It is nowhere near a pandemic. In fact, while you worked today, thousands of Americans were diagnosed with the flu and several hundred died. Today there were less than six new coronavirus cases identified, but no one died. In fact, no one has died in the U.S. as a result of coronavirus.

These details change daily. Stay close and we’ll keep you updated!

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