Mask Mandates

Leprosy, Polio, Malaria, TB, Measles … and Massive Unscreened Illegal Immigration: Which Will Be Our “2024 Pandemic?”

In mid-2023, Bill Gates made a startling prediction, not about computers or anything IT-related, but about medicine. Gates predicted that 2024 would see a worldwide pandemic that would make COVID-19 and the havoc it brings to the World appear as nothing more than a case of the common cold. But Gates went one step further: […]

Leprosy, Polio, Malaria, TB, Measles … and Massive Unscreened Illegal Immigration: Which Will Be Our “2024 Pandemic?” Read More »

More COVID Lies Uncovered That Killed Numerous People

You like me probably sickened by the incessant screaming about masks during the pandemic. It all began with Dr. Anthony Fauci from the White House daily pandemic updates. To be kind, Fauci’s mask updates were ridiculous. Remember that he told us, over time, “wear a mask to protect yourselves; wear a mask to assure YOU

More COVID Lies Uncovered That Killed Numerous People Read More »

CDC’s New Theme Song: “We’ve Only Just Begun”

That song is probably the greatest song of the early 70s. For a decade, it was the “go-to” wedding song written by Richard Carpenter. It means something entirely different today. There is no remorse at the CDC. Far from it. The model of virus control deployed over the last 27 months is now part of

CDC’s New Theme Song: “We’ve Only Just Begun” Read More »

COVID-19 Mask Efficacy — Or LACK Of Efficacy

We are seeing today a revolt against mask mandates — especially those for our school children. Parents have had enough. “Real” politicians have had enough. And it’s NOT just Republicans. Democrats and Republicans alike have watched the horrendous results of mandatory mask-wearing on not just our children, but on adults who for generations took for

COVID-19 Mask Efficacy — Or LACK Of Efficacy Read More »

Forty-Five Years Of Mask Studies Prove THEY’RE WORTHLESS!

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. H.L. Mencken Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. C. S.

Forty-Five Years Of Mask Studies Prove THEY’RE WORTHLESS! Read More »