Politically Speaking……

There’s a lot to discuss in politics that much of defies description. Nevertheless they are often important. Find those here.

Russian Intervention: Who’s the Intelligence Leaker?

(Short blog post — VERY short!) The easiest way to find the person(s) responsible for the intelligence leaks to the news media. Attorney General Sessions in a employee meeting at the FBI, also at the CIA and NSA:  “We at the Justice Department have just launched an investigation into the source of intelligence leaks.  When

Russian Intervention: Who’s the Intelligence Leaker? Read More »

Betsy DeVos

Today the Lefties are going nuts about the confirmation of Betsy DeVos to head the Education Department.  They’ve even resorted to demonstrating in D.C. against her confirmation!  Today these protestors initially blocked her from entering a D.C. elementary school.  One “Black Lives Matter” demonstrator even blocked her car.  They shouted “shame, shame” at DeVos as

Betsy DeVos Read More »