“For the Love of Money!”

“For the love of money” is far more than just a song. It’s the underlying basis for pretty much every conversation, every piece of legislation, every bill and every law that is passed in Congress. And Washington is full of people who LOVE money and want more of it. Worse, though, is that part of that LOVE for money they have requires them to use their power to create ways to GET more money. That sends us to the piggy bank: the U.S. Congress.

As you know, the House of Representatives controls the purse of Uncle Sam: all the big bucks. Through a couple of centuries, they have crafted and refined the best, most comprehensive, and the most secretive ways to control the trillions of U.S. tax dollars that Americans and corporations pay to the government. The House controls the bucks. And the Speaker of the House controls the buttons to push — all the buttons to push — to get the most money for the specific people and entities that she wants. Sometimes it’s for people in her circle. Sometimes it’s for those to whom she may be obligated as voters and contributors. Sometimes it’s simply payback to fellow members of her party who have given HER favors regarding their votes on HER issues.

Today on TNN Live, you’ll hear from the Speaker herself regarding the “new” Stimulus Bill she has floated as “Stimulus #4” to take the next step in our government to tackle the coronavirus and its various impacts on the nation. She will tell you she calls it “Recovery.” I guess that means “because coronavirus is over.” Who knows! But she also tells us about a new committee that purportedly will be to oversee the way the $2.2 Trillion Congress allocated in the CARES Act is being spent. But I promise you, there’s more than just watching the dollars in her mind for this committee. I smell “Impeachment Part II” in this.

You’ll also hear live from the CEO of a large Orthopedics firm and a Surgery Hospital in Florida. He will discuss not only how coronavirus has impacted them in the orthopedics firm, but how it is impacting their hospital and their city in southwest Florida. It will be great to get firsthand knowledge from a professional healthcare CEO who’s on the frontlines.

Of course there are a bunch of other important topics that will cover in the show that begins at 9:00 AM Central. In two hours will fill your brain with lots of information and facts about the coronavirus, its direct and indirect impacts on the nation and how those are affecting others. We’ll get into the most current medical information on the virus and its reach into our lives. And we always have a few surprises.

Here’s how to join in: from the homepage at www.TruthNewsNet.org, click on the “Listen Live” blue button. It will take you right to the show.

By the way, when you’re listening to the show and hear something you want to question, ask questions about, or simply make a statement about something you’d like to hear details about, give us a call toll-free at 866-37TRUTH. That’s 877-378-7884. Don’t be shy or timid!


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