New Collusion Exposed: It’s NOT Trump

We’ve spent the last three years looking for the “Boogie Man” that Donald Trump used to unethically and illegally win Mr. Trump the 2016 presidency. After all, his election victory certainly is not because Americans chose him to be their president.

Immediately after the Trump inauguration, the Russia Collusion story was initiated. We know much now that many suspected but could not be proven at the time: that the Collusion story and subsequent investigation was a sham — a diversion pitched to Americans by a posse of unethical politicians and top-level Intelligence officials who for not-yet verified reasons desperately needed Hillary Clinton in the White House.

The Mueller Investigation from the day Mueller was named Special Counsel for the Russian probe was thought to be simply a diversion instigated by those in that “posse.” They were desperate to find that Donald Trump had some way and somehow reached out to Russia for election help and that they could uncover and expose it. They needed Donald Trump out of the picture.

Mueller exonerated Mr. Trump with his final report. That is factual in spite of the cries from the Media that the Mueller findings did not do so. Subsequently, there was a “Muller Probe-Lite” that lasted a minute or so as the Left ramped up charges of Trump’s obstruction of justice. It quickly faded away.

Here came Ukraine! President Trump was stated to have in a telephone conversation with the newly elected Ukrainian President asked President Zelensky to open a corruption investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden. Those allegations were made and immediately became headlines in every newspaper, online news outlet, television and radio talk show: “President Trump Seeks Ukraine Help for 2020 Assistance.” Of course, those headlines were lies.

You now know the truth: Pelosi and Co. had already announced an “impeachment inquiry.” They were in a panic to find justification to initiate impeachment proceedings against the President. When this fake-news was released, that was their proverbial “straw” needed for “more formal” impeachment proceedings. And it’s on!

Trump blew their minds when he immediately released the transcript of the phone call. They were shocked that he did so without any formal subpoena for the mud they could use against him. The call transcript vindicated the President for his alleged attempt to receive election help from Ukraine to find dirt on a Trump 2020 election opponent: former VP Joe Biden.

There was NO collusion between Donald Trump and Ukraine.

But it has been revealed there MAY be some collusion with Ukraine by a very important U.S. politician that does not live in the White House but works on Capitol Hill: Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA).

Schiff hates Donald Trump. He’s spent every waking minute since the 2016 election saying and doing anything and everything he can do to possibly assist him to get Trump out of office. We don’t need to list those for you — they’ve been all over the news. The leftist media fawn at his every word, most of which are false as they pertain to the President. But now, Mr. Schiff has been exposed as being in the tank for a very wealthy and very politically connected billionaire oligarch from Ukraine!

Mr. Schiff May Really Be “Shifty Schiff”

Have you before heard the name, Igor Pasternak? Before we’re done today, you’ll know quite a bit about this Ukrainian gun dealer, business mogul and a major contributor to politicians in the U.S. As long ago as 2014, we have been able to find links between Pasternak and multiple U.S. politicians.

Pasternak, who was raised and educated in Ukraine before immigrating to the United States, is a passionate promoter of Ukrainian culture and business. He has been active in both Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. to support increased ties between the two countries and has been especially active in building awareness of Ukraine’s strategic economic importance among Members of Congress. Since political protests broke out across Ukraine in late 2013, Pasternak has worked to personally inform and educate Members of Congress about the importance of Ukraine to European and US security.

That’s the good stuff.

Igor is an arms dealer who sells arms that include fully automatic M4, M16 rifles as well as much more sophisticated and “serious” military arms. He’s armed the armies and militia of many countries in the Middle East, Europe, and Southeast Asia. And, more importantly, he is very connected to those on the “dark side” of politics in Ukraine.

He’s been in the U.S. for some time. And while here, he quickly learned the importance of obtaining and nurturing relationships with heavyweight U.S. politicians. He quickly found a willing candidate to fill such a role: Adam Schiff.

Hmm… This is Rep. Adam Schiff — the California Democrat who is in front of television cameras and radio microphones daily in his quest to kick Donald Trump out of the White House. His latest ploy is to attempt to connect President Trump with Ukraine’s president Zelensky alleging the President has attempted to pressure Zelensky to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden for apparent corruption with other Ukrainians using Congressional approved foreign aid for Ukraine as a tool. But it seems Schiff may be leveraging Ukraine from another direction for some other purpose.

How are Schiff and Pasternak Connected?

It started this way: Pasternak emigrated to the U.S. in 1994 where he started a company: Aeroscraft. Pasternak then reached into the U.S. political atmosphere to find some friendly politicians who could help him assist the Ukrainian government on a really big project: transitioning their military firearms away from those previously used and relied on from Russia. Pasternak suggested the M16 American rifle. Introducing Adam Schiff.

Newsweek followed the Ukraine small-arms problem as a Ukrainian arms company — Ukroboronservis — sought to partner with an American company for the project: Aeroscraft.

Aeroscraft, the American firm owned by Pasternak partnered with Ukroboronservis to produce M16s, is a California-based aviation company specializing in lighter-than-air aircraft—including airships intended for U.S. military use.

As most Americans know, there have been for decades amazing foreign business opportunities for foreign companies through partnerships and joint-ventures with American companies to reach world markets. Aeroscraft sought those opportunities using Pasternak’s Ukraine connections and with political assistance in the U.S. As a Californian, the obvious place to start was with California politicians. He met Adam Schiff and the two clicked. One thing led to another and Pasternak became a major fundraiser for Schiff.

I’m not sure you can read the picture on the left, but it’s an invitation to a “Taste of Ukraine Reception” held by Pasternak at his home for a $2500 contribution per person. The recipient of the proceeds was “Adam Schiff for Congress.” That was in 2013.

There have been other fundraisers held by Pasternak for politicians other than Schiff. But Schiff has been the most involved. Even this year (2019) Schiff during one Congressional recess made a trip to Ukraine. Under the current circumstances, that’s really not surprising. He was part of a group that was sponsored by Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center. See Schiff’s name underlined in red on the flight manifest shown on the right side of the story. The trip for that group happened from August 24 to August 31, 2019.

Who is The Atlantic Council? The Atlantic Council is an American Atlanticist think tank in the field of international affairs. Founded in 1961, it provides a forum for international political, business, and intellectual leaders. It manages ten regional centers and functional programs related to international security and global economic prosperity. It is headquartered in Washington, D.C. It is a member of the Atlantic Treaty Association.


So what does this association between Congressman Schiff and Igor Pasternak mean? Is it on its face somehow evil? Does it portend unethical or evil behavior on the part of either Schiff or Pasternak? Not necessarily. But, in the words of those on the left at the release of the Mueller Report, while this association does not implicate either gentleman for any wrongdoing, it does NOT exonerate either.

It’s humorous that if we are to use the definitions, thought processes and practices that the Left have sold-out to, Schiff, in this case, would not only be evil, but in cahoots with a Ukranian billionaire oligarch who’s in the tank with an element of the Ukraine government that is corrupt and they’ve found a way to manufacture American-made M16’s and sell them to the Ukranian government. What’s that old saying I’ve shared with you many times: “If it quacks and waddles it’s probably a duck.”

In all sincerity, I have no factual information about this relationship. We did reach out to Rep. Schiff’s office for comment. I expect someone will call me back to comment when Hell freezes over! Nevertheless, we have and will stick with the legitimate, righteous, and Constitutional way to approach the possible relationship of Mr. Schiff and Mr. Pasternak being to somehow be for criminal purposes — you know: “Innocent until proven guilty.” It just seems in the environment created by Schiff in the witchhunt of Donald Trump that Mr. Schiff may be able to at least shed light on how one conducts such activities, even if he is not personally part of any illegalities. By his measure, however, we would be guilty if you or I was in such a relationship.

By the way: in the picture below, that’s Igor Pasternak…with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi1








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