Saturday Bullet Point, April 25, 2020

Whew! What a wild and crazy week we had. I know even though we’ve all been abiding by the social distancing instructions, we’ve been busy with filling our time with taking care of something, anything to keep busy. In that, you probably missed some of the most remarkable stories of the week. We spotted a few you certainly missed. Grab a cup of coffee, and let’s share our Saturday Bullet Points.

Bullet Points

  • I’m a beach person. But the beach is out of the question during this pandemic. But maybe, just maybe, Californians are about to send the message that enough is enough. The beach is in their immediate plans! For complete details, click on this link:
  • The election is just around the corner. And the opposing sides have already taken off the gloves. Democrats and Republicans always find differences they can use to blast each other in efforts to influence voters to their camps. It seems that each presidential campaign gets uglier every four years. Nothing seems to be sacred when it comes to saying anything and everything each party’s candidates feel might give them an edge. 2020 appears to be no different. Someone leaked GOP candidates’ talking points to POLITICO. And those talking points instructed candidates to deflect any GOP blame for COVID-19 with a pivot to attack China. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Think you might have coronavirus and want to take a test to just make certain? Well, the problem is that if you don’t have the symptoms that warrant a test you can’t get one — unless you have deep pockets and are a member of exclusive concierge medical associations that you can find in Hamptons. Membership comes at a high price. But it comes with a private coronavirus test for an extra $1000 house call fee. For complete details, click on this link:
  • The coronavirus lock-down is driving a lot of people close to the edge. Two groups of protestors seem to be about to join forces which might make protesting a little more serious. The Anti-lockdown group look to be joining the Anti-vaccination crowd to begin formal resistance. The epicenter is California. For complete details, click on this link:
  • One economy predicted that less than half of American workers will receive paychecks in May with the unemployment rate rising to 16%. And if more unemployment claims are filed it could push the unemployment rate over 20%. How will this impact the U.S economy for the year? How will this affect the presidential election in November? For complete details, click on this link:
  • It’s campaign season, the time when candidates go nuts attacking each other. (Has anyone heard of polite debate of policy differences?) Former Vice President and presumptive Democrat nominee Joe Biden came out swinging with a new attack on President Trump. This one made us utter a couple of “OMG’s!” For complete details, click on this link:
  • Remember the press reports that there has not been a single case of coronavirus in North Korea during the pandemic? Remember the stories out of North Korea about Kim Jong Un in bad shape and in recovery from cardiac surgery? It seems that the NK Dictator has “head for the hills” in the aftermath of both stories. For complete details, click on this link:
  • President Trump’s target for most of his “Fake News” claims — CNN — is losing the CEO of their parent company, AT&T. Many believe that  AT&T is tired of writing so much red ink as CNN’s ratings continue to plummet taking advertising revenue down the tubes with it. When corporations and their shareholders lose money again and again, usually someone at the top takes the fall. It’s no different in the case of one of the nation’s monster publicly traded companies, AT&T. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Mistrust and resentment by average Americans grow every time a “new” bailout rolls out. Yes, the intentions of all the government assistance is well-intended, but often lost in the process of rushing funds to small businesses that are the supposed targets of the bailouts is the actual funding to these companies. The “big guys,” however, seem to always get their money. For complete details, click on this link:


It’s getting tougher each day to effectively piece together all the story tidbits necessary for plausible acceptance and understanding of what things have dramatically morphed in America in just the last 3o days. The greatest problem: find ways to continue what “were” normal lives for each that virtually disappeared into thin air just weeks ago. Who would have ever predicted our world would look like this?

Here’s the truth of this all: what we’re seeing is OUR world — PERIOD!  And right now, it’s all we have.

We all certainly hope that normalcy is in the cards for us all. But we really don’t have guarantees for that. What we DO have is hope.

Let’s hope that “hope” is enough to get us through all this.

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