The Deadly Politicization of America’s Medical Care: Part Two

Part One of this story published yesterday that was penned by TruthNewsNetwork Contributor Kelleigh Nelson detailed the fundamentals that show pretty much everything happening in the U.S. regarding COVID-19, lockdowns, mandates, and the pandemic are an orchestrated process implemented for political purposes only. She wraps up the saga which describes the horrendous status in which Americans find themselves solely because of political leaders. And, yes, it CAN be worse than it seems…and it seems pretty bad!
mRNA Inventor, Dr. Robert Malone

Dr. Robert Malone, MD, MS Physician-Scientist and Inventor of the messenger RNA “vaccine” technology, says there has been an increasingly desperate and abrupt number of rollouts of information beginning with Pfizer’s alert that after six months, a booster will be needed.  Fauci, who has never treated a patient, reprimanded them, and then the government flip-flopped and said there would be a need for boosters, especially in the elderly and immunocompromised!

Are you kidding me? They want those “useless eaters” dead like Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel and the five governors who put Covid patients in nursing homes and killed off thousands.

In a recent interview, (scroll to episode 1129 and start at the 15 min. mark.) Dr. Malone, like Dr. Montagnier, explains that the “vaccine” actually causes the virus to become more infectious than in the absence of vaccination.  This is another reason so many of the unvaccinated are also getting sick; the jabbed are spreading a more infectious virus.  Malone explains that it has happened with other vaccines in the past and caused more deaths.  He states that Dr. Fauci is disingenuous, actually a liar, and mutations are another misleading set of statements from Fauci.  He says the government is obfuscating what is happening.

Malone also stated that the FDA was aware that the spike proteins were “biologically active and could travel from the injection site and cause adverse events, and that the spike protein, if biologically active, is hazardous.”

He tells us that the Pfizer inoculation in the waning phase is causing the virus to replicate more efficiently than otherwise.  It is called antibody-dependent enhancement or, less precisely, disease enhancement.

He says the action that needs to occur is to immediately stop the jabs and use the drug treatments that have been largely suppressed at the FDA level, particularly Ivermectin.  The French Pasteur study actually shows how well ivermectin can treat Covid-19.  Unless the active drug trials are by the NIH, which are paid for by Bill Gates and friends, they deny the available safe and cheap drugs.  Dr. Malone says the government officials from FDA, NIH, CDC seem to be coming off the rails as the actual data rolls out. Dr. Malone states that the spike protein is toxic.

The bottom line to all of this, the CDC says the inoculations are failing, and those who received the jab can be super spreaders.  Yet mainstream media never comments on the thousands of illegal aliens who are being planted all over the USA. Still, Democrats made sure they passed a bill that allows illegal aliens to be hired as congressional staffers.

Deaths from COVID are at a 16-month low despite the delta and lambda variants.  Harvard Medical School professor Martin Kulldorff cited the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Research Center as its source, which shows U.S. COVID deaths conspicuously peaked around the third week of January 2021.  What we’re not being told are the actual deaths from the COVID jab.

PCR Tests

We know the PCR tests gave false positives because they were run too high, but after the jab came out, they lowered the test, and now it looks as though the COVID jab is working.  It is not.  The CDC recently withdrew the EUA on the tests because they don’t differentiate between Covid and influenza.  That’s what caused the health authorities to decide COVID was an asymptomatic spread and react with despotic authority.

Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, once said Anthony Fauci “doesn’t know anything and is willing to lie on television.” He claimed, “Most of the people like Fauci are administrative only and know nothing about medicine or what’s going on in the body.  They have a personal agenda and make up their own rules as they go. They change them when they want to. And they smugly, like Tony Fauci, do not mind going on television and lying directly into the camera,” Mullis added.

Now the CDC is tossing the entire PCR test since their buddies, George Soros and Bill Gates, announced their intention to buy a COVID-19 test manufacturer based in the United Kingdom.

A physician from Johns Hopkins reported that the yearly deaths from 2018 through 2020 were approximately the same, but the article was pulled only two days after it was posted.  It makes one wonder how many died of seasonal influenza instead of COVID, especially since the CDC Director has now declared mandatory vaccine passports may well be a path forward in the US, for a flu virus that 99.75 recover from, isn’t this special?!

Stop the Jab!

Fifty-seven top scientists and physicians have released a report on the Covid inoculations, and they are demanding an immediate stop to all C-19 injections.  Around the world, governments are promoting the “vaccine” and blocking the cheap and safe drugs that save lives.  The push for inoculation is over the top, and in the works are Biden’s door-to-door sales pitches.

Asking serious questions about deaths and devastating side effects results in scorn and censorship from mainstream and social media.  Even worse is the derision from FDA, NIH, and CDC administrators who have never treated COVID patients or any patients for that matter.

Most people are just following what the government tells them rather than doing any research at all.  Unfortunately, for a growing number, deaths and terrible adverse effects result.


Thousands of honest physicians and scientists are screaming the truth, and they’re being censored and deleted.  The 1947 Nuremberg Code stands as a testament against medical experimentation.  Yet, worldwide history is repeating itself. This is a new genocide…

Will Americans wake up to the realization of medical tyranny and murderers? Will they believe the mainstream media comrades when they spew the lies of COVID variants or another virus? Only time will tell.

Dr. Bryan Ardis

Brannon Howse’s video with Dr. Ardis is telling.  Ardis did some deep digging within FDA documents and found a report they did in October 2020, two months before the C-19 vax was released. Their internal division, (CBER) Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, in coordination with the CDC, gave an internal 25-slide presentation to the FDA regarding the possible side effects expected with the COVID jab.

The FDA actually listed everything we see today that’s been reported on VAERS.  As of July 23rd, the Vaccine Adverse Event Report System released by the CDC showed 11,000 deaths and 463,457 adverse effects for America.

As of July 17th, the European database, Eudra Vigilance, reported 18,928 dead and 1,823,219 adverse effects.

A Harvard study from 2010 found that VAERS receives less than one percent of occurrences. Therefore, every statistical number for the Covid jab needs to have two more zeroes added to true figures.

In another video with attorney Reiner Fuellmich Ph.D., Dr. Ardis exposed the adverse effects during Remdesivir trials, organ failure, acute kidney failure, septic shock, and hypertension.  The FDA never approved the drug to be safe for any disease.  However, on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) website, Anthony Fauci said, “Every doctor in the country has to use Remdesivir only.”  America was the only country to treat all Covid patients from January 2020 to October 2020 with Remdesivir.  Dr. Ardis said America had the most deaths from COVID because Fauci had mandated this dangerous drug.  More negligent homicide by Fauci?

Dr. Michael Yeadon

Former Pfizer Vice President and top scientist Dr. Michael Yeadon has had plenty to say about this “warp speed” developed injection for a virus that 99.75 recover from, and he’s not happy.  He says, “Severe adverse reaction and mass death from mRNA. COVID vaccines are virtually guaranteed, especially for pregnant women, and 0.8% of treatment recipients will die within 2 weeks. Most of the rest will die within three years.

He declares that the pandemic is a fraud, masks are useless, distancing is absurd, why PCR tests are meaningless, why quarantining healthy people is stupid, why variants of virus strains are no threat, and why COVID vaccines should be rejected. Yeadon says many of his colleagues privately agree with this appraisal but remain silent to protect their salaries and research grants. It’s all about money. He concludes that, because of the massive number of deaths that will follow within a few years of vaccination, there is clearly an agenda to deliberately eliminate billions of people from the earth and enslave those who remain.

Doctors for Covid-19 Ethics, founded by Dr. Yeadon, a group of over 160 independent medical experts worldwide, have issued a stern warning to public health agencies about the experimental Covid-19 vaccines, slamming the jabs as “unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe” and likely to lead to “foreseeable mass deaths.”

Author of Part Two (above) and Part One published yesterday at will join us tomorrow morning (Thursday, August 5, 2021) at 9:30 AM Central on “TNN Live!” She is an amazing person with skads of knowledge and information. For those who have followed her the last year in which she has shared her stories with us know that she is very connected, a great communicator, and is plugged into the important matters of our lives, especially those that are “touched” (maybe “torched” is a better word!) by Washingon D.C. How do you join the show? At the top right of this story, click the banner that says “LIVE NOW: click to listen.” That takes you to the program page. Just click the big arrow to start the show. It’s 9-11 AM Monday through Friday. Join us!



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