The “Inconvenient Truth” Isn’t an Al Gore Movie

Do you think that Democrats are petrified to believe that Donald Trump is looking more and more likely to be re-elected in 2020? Few will acknowledge that the 45th President’s support among Americans is NOT falling in the wake of the non-stop attacks mounted by Democrats and their bevy of Leftist supporters. Their attacks seem to encourage Americans who have tired of the “same old thing” in Washington: tax and spend, political corruption, ignoring federal laws, refusal to enforce immigration laws while repairing U.S. immigration, and tearing apart American healthcare. Add to that the massive loss of jobs of all kinds to foreign nations that drove millions even to quit looking for jobs in the U.S. Americans just had enough. Then came Donald Trump.

In the wake of the three-year plethora of amazing accomplishments on all fronts during Trump’s first term, one would think Americans — ALL Americans — would trumpet (pun intended) the American achievements in every sector and fall in line. Instead, the Left has just ramped up their nonstop attacks on the President. Tagging right along (if not leading the charge) is the Lame-Stream Media. They not only miss-report actual news, but manufacture story after story that demean the President personally and professionally. They report fake news as real news while ignoring every accomplishment achieved for Americans during Trump’s first term. They even use Americans on a personal level to fuel their attacks:

“Mark” tells a really sad story in this political ad. According to media reports, Mark is just one of the millions of Americans who, with the hope of change, voted for Donald Trump in 2016 who are appalled and ashamed of their 2016 votes. The only problem with this story is that “Mark” didn’t even vote in the 2016 election! BL News reported the story recently this way:

News reports revealed that a man who appears in an ad saying he regrets voting for Donald Trump did not even show up to vote in the 2016 presidential election. The controversial video was funded by Democratic Party supporters.

The controversial American Bridge 21st Century ad features Mark Graham, a man from Erie, Pennsylvania, who claims to have voted for Trump in 2016 and today regrets his decision.

“I voted for Donald Trump in 2016 because I thought he would make a change,” Graham said in the video urging Pennsylvanians not to support President Trump and even comparing voting for him to pouring “gasoline on a fire.”

However, Erie County elections office records indicate that Graham did not vote in the 2016 election.

What could be going on here? Was this an honest mistake that happened to a group of American patriots diligently trying to get the truth out that Pennsylvanians who voted for Trump are so disappointed they regret those votes? That doesn’t appear to be the reason for this ad and others like it.

American Bridge 21st Century, the entity that financed the ad, is considered a Super PAC. Political action committees (PACs) are organizations that pool contributions from donors to use those funds for campaigns for or against candidates, election initiatives, or legislation.

The American Bridge PAC, one of the significant liberal groups coordinating election fundraising, is funded mainly by Democratic donors and unions. Controversial billionaire speculator George Soros was the group’s largest donor for the 2012 and 2014 cycles, contributing $1 million in 2012 and more than $1 million in 2014, according to reports by the NGO Fact Check.

It’s one thing to point to the actual failures and wrongdoings of elected officials as reasons for voting for their removal or against their re-election. But it’s another thing to unethically seed the ground with falsehoods and fake ads to try to in underhanded fashion impact election results.

Wait a minute: isn’t that what the Mueller Investigation was about? Didn’t the Media implicate the Russians for subversively through social media ads and fake accounts to induce American voters to vote against Hillary and for Trump in 2016? I guess, in this case, it’s OK because it’s not a foreign government committing the fraud. Most would probably agree that both were incorrigible attacks on America’s election system. But only one was illegal.

The “Real” Story

Mark Graham’s story — at least as used in the context of that television ad — is not unique. One can put two and two together and conclude that if Mr. Soros and others of his political persuasion are willing to conflate facts and even outright lie, there are far more campaign tricks with which to fool Americans.

Democrats for generations have shouted from the mountaintops that they alone have been the supporters of minorities in America. They with the support of numerous African-American leaders have successfully led the majority of Blacks in the U.S. to their staunch support of the Democrat Party. Why? Because “conventional wisdom” proves that the GOP has always fought against the rights of African-Americans and even fought to keep Blacks suppressed in every way.

Indeed, there have always been Republicans who have discriminated against African-Americans.  But, it’s a fact that Republicans have pushed through legislation that gave the African-American community more freedom, more opportunity, more justice than have Democrats. Doing so created more chances to fulfill the promises made by our forefathers to all Americans in the Constitution.

In this brief audio/video report, one gets the truth of the Democrat Party’s lies about their Civil Rights gifts to African Americans:

It comes as no surprise to most that the tools of the Left are NOT legislative, social, or racial accomplishments for the poor or disenfranchised. In fact, Democrats fought against such freedoms for 100 years or longer. Their purpose is so obvious to some while so confusing to others that they have been successful in keeping members of the African-American community and other minorities from “seeing” the truth. Democrats are undoubtedly masterful communicators. But their achievements for minorities in America do not support their promises, nor their touted accomplishments.

Most Americans have known for decades the truth of the Democrat Party: their existence as a party depends solely on the maintenance of a nationwide voting majority. In the last twenty years or so, they watched as their voting majority began to slip. Why? Because Americans realized that Democrats had actually become the Taskmasters of minorities. How could these minority members allow this? Democrat Party leadership planted the seeds of deception that taught minorities that Democrats are the only Americans who care. Democrats supposedly were the only ones that would help them achieve the American Dream. That lie has been perpetrated in minority communities for more than half-a-century.

Under Donald Trump, Democrats have been exposed!


Here’s what’s happened: Donald Trump’s policies in total have given minorities massive life improvements in just his first three years. They are fleeing the Democrat Party in droves. Why? They are tired of empty promises, party policies implemented to perpetuate party power over its members, and legislative proposals that, if ever signed into law, would do nothing but further stifle opportunities for ALL Americans.

Democrats have been exposed.

It’s not just African-Americans that have seen the truth. Native Americans, Latino Americans, Asian Americans, and immigrants from all over the world who have emigrated to the U.S. SEE the benefits in their lives they never saw under Democrat presidents. They more than ever understand the promises given to them for decades by Dems have been empty promises devised to do nothing but keep their votes.

The video ad at the beginning of this story today proves just how desperate they are. The Democrat Party lies in shambles. They watch as its storied history fades into a distant past. Their power is dwindling, and that scares them the most. They know that without that power, they are doomed. They refuse to admit it, but to their horror, the Democrat Party is taking its last gasps.

The George Soros millions put into advertising and promotion along with the zillions of dollars from Bloomberg and Stern flooding this election cycle has done little to attract new Democrat voters. Polls show dramatic numbers of Democrats are leaving the party altogether.

The alternative for Democrat voters — Donald Trump in 2020 — leaves them speechless. Donald Trump and the Republican Party together form “The Inconvenient Truth”  of today’s political landscape. They are clamoring to overcome that “Truth.” But everyday ends for them saying, “What can we possibly do to prevent this from happening?”

There’s not much they CAN do: Americans have awakened.

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