“The” Memo

Here it is.

It is first a two-page letter from President Trump’s attorney referencing reasoning and legal authorization for this memo’s release. The next pages are the actual memo.  Please click on the following link and read the entire 4 page memorandum and the White House attorney’s letter. The let’s talk.



The Story

For weeks now we have watched and listened as the Leftist media and Congressional Democrats have blasted Congressman Devin Nunes for preparing and releasing this memorandum. They claimed basically that the release of the memorandum would initiate Armageddon on the U.S. Rather than speculate as the Media has continuously, tonight let’s ask some questions that are based on everything Americans have had shoved down our throats for months, and then as Americans let the questions we ask and the answers that we “deplorables” can garner ourselves from reading the memorandum begin a REAL process of ferreting out the truth of the FBI, the DOJ, AND the Obama White House used in investigating Russian collusion by the Trump organization prior to the Mueller Investigation.

Our Questions

  1. We were told the release of the Memo would endanger national security. Exactly what damage has been done by its release?
  2. (Assuming the answer would be “no danger to national security occurred) Why then did Democrat minority head of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff warn Americans that the release when he knew there was no danger?
  3. Why did the FBI implore the White House to redact the names of all the FBI contributors to the investigation from the memo?
  4. Did the FBI in providing the “proof” necessary to convince a FISC judge a FISA warrant was justified lie to the judge providing false “proof” as evidence to justify such a warrant?
  5. How did James Comey, (then FBI Director) later Rod Rosenstein, (Deputy Attorney General) and FBI Director Christopher Ray convince the FISA judge that Carter Page was spying for the Russian government? Doing so is required for a FISA warrant to be issued, and in this case issued and renewed 3 times.
  6. Why did James Comey at the White House before the Inauguration tell President Trump the details of the Steele dossier and that it was full of wild conjecture and had no truth when days before he had used that dossier to convince the FISA judge to issue the warrant for the investigation?
  7. Why did two FBI officials who went to the Capitol to read the memo last Sunday state on the record there were no errors in the details contained in the memo only for the FBI to publicly release the next day a statement claiming the memo was full of incorrect information and releasing it was a danger to national security?
  8. Why mysteriously has the Leftist Media parroted for weeks exactly what Democrat Adam Schiff and every other Congressional Dem claimed as reasons to not release the memo?
  9. Why has President Trump been so surprisingly quiet immediately before and after the memo’s release, not attacking those involved in the FBI, DOJ, or even the media about the apparent hatchet job perpetrated through this investigation?
  10. Will the court and the judge or judges who issued the initial FISA warrant that was renewed several times take any actions against those in the DOJ and FBI who provided the evidence that was fabricated to justify the warrants?


In tomorrow’s story we will answer in detail each of the above 10 questions and provide factual evidence for our answers. I am certain you will have more questions. Please feel free to ask those questions below and we will answer those with evidence as we respond to these 10. Additionally after answering these and your questions, I will make some predictions about the future course of actions that will most likely be taken as a result of the actions detailed in the memo. One thing you need to know for sure: the information released in this memo comprises only 10-15% at most of the evidence of collusion between senior members of the Obama DOJ, FBI, and whoever else from the “real” Deep State” have been part of all this. And, probably, there are those who are STILL part of what is playing out.

There is plenty more to come. I’ll hint one prediction to you: this will go down as the most egregious and evil breach of intelligence in U.S. history before it is put to bed. It will dwarf the unbelievable illegal activity of Watergate. There will be millions of dollars earned by various books, novels, and movies and those who prepare them based on this corrupt chapter in U.S. Intelligence history. Sadly for Americans, more millions of taxpayer dollars will be sucked away by this and other investigations and prosecutions of those who were and part of this. Lady Liberty will be busy for several years to come.

Oh….we will also tell you how this will impact Robert Mueller and his minions.

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