This COVID Madness Began With Clinton, Obama, and Now Biden With Fauci

The questions about the origin of COVID-19 have still not been answered. Well, that’s not necessarily the truth: the source (or sources) have not yet been “confirmed.”

Leading the pack in the field of possible “origins” is the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China. Even if that laboratory is not THE source of the virus, that lab figures heavily into the equation of COVID-19’s spread around the globe.

Little by little, facts about that lab through the years and its many U.S. connections keep showing up. At the same time, little by little, we are informed that numerous U.S. universities with extensive virology laboratory testing facilities have been sources for “experimentation” with various viruses, included the SARS-CoV-2 that is the virus that morphs into COVID-19. Generous “contributions” to those universities by the Chinese government have opened doors to Chinese scientists to work inside these U.S. laboratories on a bevy of projects. As it has been revealed, some of those are “gain-of-function” research operations.

Though Dr. Anthony Fauci vehemently denies that gain-of-function research has ever taken place on his watch, and indeed, NIAID has not funded such, it has been revealed that U.S. tax dollars HAVE been used to fund gain-of-function research.

The storyline spun by Fauci and other “experts” as to the source of Sars-CoV-2 points to bats as the source to cloud the picture even further. We are told that there are massive bat colonies close to Wuhan. Those bats carried Sars-CoV-2 and infected some animals sold at a nearby wet market in Wuhan. Fauci et al propose that as its source. However, NO bat from that area has been found to have the COVID-19 virus.

What About Those Chinese Scientists Working in the U.S.?

Renowned U.S. medical analyst and veteran Dr. Lawrence Sellin revealed that the Chinese Communist regime has reportedly infiltrated U.S. research programs with the help of Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama.

“It is a consequence of “scientific chain migration,” a pattern of research program infiltration by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) that has been replicated across the United States for forty years,” wrote Dr. Sellin and independent researcher, Anna Chen, on Nov. 21.

The procedure followed by CCP members is basic: large groups enter laboratories and related centers in the United States and invite other comrades to take the most advanced knowledge and technologies from the country.

In this way, they also take advantage of the funding provided by the U.S. government. They then return to China to adapt that knowledge to developing programs, including the CCP military.

In 1979, a wave of thousands of Chinese researchers flooded 60 U.S. universities, based on an agreement signed between President Jimmy Carter and CCP leader Deng Xiaoping.

President Barack Obama, for his part, extended that agreement indefinitely. Many Chinese students and intellectuals obtained citizenship and permanent positions in these institutions while remaining loyal to the CCP.

Among the most outstanding are those who attain memberships in the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, millions of dollars in grants, including those from Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and attachments as university professors.

Meanwhile, they maintain active and ongoing exchanges with the CCP military and top Chinese universities and research centers.

Moreover, they have promoted the development of China’s controversial Talent programs, such as the “Thousand Talents Plan.” So did Xiao-fan Wang, a “foreign” member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and his wife, Xin-Nian Dong, a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.

“U.S. research centers are de facto extensions of the Chinese Communist Party’s fused military-civilian research program,” Dr. Sellin reiterates.

In this context, renowned American journalist Tucker Carlson denounced that the country’s leaders have been selling “out America to China” for years to enrich themselves, and in doing so, “They betrayed us,” he concluded:

Carlson pointed to Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg as a clear example of one of the aristocrats in the service of the Chinese, who applies all the censorship imposed on him in the media, thereby enriching himself. This makes him doubt the way in which Bloomberg would defend the country’s sovereignty if he were to become president.

He recalled the case of former Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk, who became a foreign agent with ties to the Communist Party, and former Sen. Joe Lieberman who works for the Chinese company ZTE banned in the country because of the threat it represents.

He also mentioned former U.S. Virginia Rep. Rick Boucher, who works for companies considered dangerous, linked to the Chinese regime.

Carlson also points to other strategies through which the Chinese regime deeply hurts the United States in its struggle to dominate it, and he said it invests large amounts of money to do so. One such strategy is evident in the purchase and domination of the most American sport: basketball. He mentioned the leaders of the NBA, the coach of the Golden State Warriors and athletes like LeBron James, who defend the censorship imposed by the Chinese and against the cherished freedom of expression that is being preserved in the United States.

Also, through the Thousand Talents Initiative — a Chinese program that buys the services of entrepreneurs, scientists, and experts often in secret, they get the best of the technology and research developed in the country, for their benefit.

The academic world is the beneficiary of large amounts of money distributed by the Chinese system in universities, behind the backs of the authorities. Thus, Harvard and Yale universities were accused of hiding hundreds of millions of dollars received from foreign countries such as China and Saudi Arabia, among others.

The FBI is currently investigating more than 1,000 cases in which it believes China stole research from U.S. companies through espionage. As if that were not enough, the pervasive influence of the Chinese regime was present in Disney, which changed the ethnicity of a movie character to avoid the anger of its “masters in China.”

No less disturbing is the growing dependence on products made in China. Eighty percent of the antibiotics used in the United States at this time come from China, to cite just one fact.

Carlson is emphatic in pointing out that this whole situation was generated over many years, during which time American leaders of the time became rich by selling their own country. The Chinese regime has generated a long list of protests and grievances in many countries, and the human rights atrocities committed are among the most serious.

Practitioners of the Falun Dafa spiritual tradition and Uighur Muslims are ruthlessly persecuted.

The Trump administration stands out in its defense of human rights and religious freedom.

“Over the past 20 years, Falun Gong practitioners have experienced terrible and unacceptable human rights abuses in China,” says a statement issued by Rep. James McGovern (D-Mass.), chairman of the Congressional Executive Committee on China (CECC), and its co-chairman, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).

Also, Assistant Secretary of State John J. Sullivan denounced “the horrors of state repression” of human rights by the Chinese regime on Sept. 24 to more than 30 countries in New York.

Talk about clouding the task to find the source of COVID-19 and its purported ties to China! They’re involved in pretty much EVERY industry in the United States. Therefore, their reach into our society has been virtually effortless, precisely because of the massive amount of money the CCP pours into our country.


Is it critical for us to know the source of the virus? If so, for what reason or reasons?

Yes, it is. Why? Finding an actual treatment without the knowledge of its source IS possible. But it would happen only in a hit-or-miss scenario. And even then, without the source, it would be challenging to produce an ironclad antidote. Look at the effectiveness of these mRNA vaccines and the Johnson and Johnson. All three have proven reliable as only a “temporary answer.” We have no real cure.

It’s time to demand answers to the questions we have: Why has there been no unified international investigation to find COVID’s source? After all, hundreds of thousands are dead, and millions more are severely ill from the virus, with many sustaining life-altering reactions to even COVID’s treatments.

I cannot believe if World leaders joined together with a single purpose to find the origin, it could happen quickly. Once known, the REAL scientists could then quickly craft medical countermeasures that work instead of forcing citizens of every country to accept these mechanically created medicines that may be helping some but are certainly killing far more than have all other vaccines combined in our history.

That’s NOT what U.S. Healthcare is supposed to be about. We have for generations touted our healthcare system as the greatest and most progressive on the Planet. We’ve never seen in this country the mass chaos we watch daily in which millions scramble for answers to a plausible question while fascist so-called experts are using the fear of COVID-unknown coupled to fear of death as tools to force all to accept these top-down “solutions” that are helping almost no one.

Americans are close to the line of telling our government, “No more! We demand answers, and we demand them now!”

I hope these Americans will stop there. But I expect that will not be all that happens. Frustrations coupled with fear and egregious totalitarian actions initiated by our federal and state governments have created an environment that almost always initiates violence among nations’ people in World history.

We do not need that in the U.S. We need honest and straightforward leadership on this and every other front. We need answers and not platitudes. We don’t need our president to try and make us feel warm and fuzzy. We need facts: the good AND the bad. And we need them NOW.

Our lives and our futures are at stake for all of us!

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1 thought on “This COVID Madness Began With Clinton, Obama, and Now Biden With Fauci”

  1. How can you possibly leave Trump out of the mix? In your mind he bears no culpability for our current situation? He not only pushed the kill shot through in short order but he hired and continued to retain Faucci. You continue to heap praises on this false messiah even after his recent comments regarding the unvaccinated. I agree whole heartedly that the Democratic Party is actively involved in the destruction of our freedoms but Trump either willfully or by shear ignorance assisted them on this particular front.

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