Just when we get to the point where we in America think we have things all together and we understand everything, we don’t. Just when we think we’ve reached a point where everyone knows how to address people of every race, ethnicity, religion, economic status, we don’t. But God knows we certainly know what it is to be Woke! You are not going to believe this, but the “real” journalists in our media have just turned the corner on exactly how to prove one is Woke: it’s how you spell two critical words in the English language.
What you are about to read will probably turn your face red — if not red then white, and your temperature will skyrocket. But here’s a critical promise you MUST make before continuing to read: don’t stop reading until you get all the way to the end! If you will not commit to that, simply click off this story and go to CNN or MSDNC online! It’s a story written by a reporter named Jarvis Dupont. We’ll tell you about Mr. Dupont at the completion of his offering to us all today. (Don’t forget: you MUST read all the way through)
Jarvis Dupont
The Associated Press — without question the oldest and formerly most reputable national newsprint disseminator — recently posted an announcement on their website detailing their decision to capitalize the “B” in Black when used in the context of race and culture.”These changes align with the long-standing capitalization of other racial and ethnic identifiers such as Latino, Asian American, and Native American,” writes AP’s Vice President for Standards, John Daniszewski in a blog post on the AP website.
The following day a further announcement was made explaining why they had taken the decision to continue to use a lowercase “w” in “white” when used in the same context.
Predictably, this has upset a lot of white people (or as I like to call them “racists”) who obviously cannot understand that when it comes to race, they really need to stay in their lane and get used to not “capitalizing” (haha!) from the labor of Black and Minority Ethnic people.
“There was clear desire and reason to capitalize Black,” explains Daniszewski in a second blog post. “Most notably, people who are Black have strong historical and cultural commonalities, even if they are from different parts of the world and even if they now live in different parts of the world. There is, at this time, less support for capitalizing white. White people generally do not share the same history and culture, or the experience of being discriminated against because of skin color.”
What John Daniszewski is saying here is that white people come from a wide range of cultures and social backgrounds, whereas Black people are one homogenous group with the same outlook and experiences and only one distinct identity: Black. Every Black person I know enjoys rap music and supports Black Lives Matter. I am fairly sure of this. When it comes to white people, their likes and dislikes are all over the place. You just can’t pin them down to anything specific. It’s like trying to nail ants to a wall. Horrible mess.
“We agree that white people’s skin color plays into systemic inequalities and injustices, and we want our journalism to robustly explore those problems,” Daniszewski continues.
From this, we can deduce that although white people come from many different cultures and backgrounds and experience no meaningful shared experience regarding their skin color…they DO share a propensity towards slave-ownership, white privilege and racism due to their, well, skin color. This makes perfect sense. white people benefit universally from Black slavery, they each have a duty to accept and dismantle their white privilege, they need to recognize the injustices that their lack of melanin have brought against Black people and strive to make amends. Only last week I made my grandfather go to his nearest KFC and apologize to any Black people he came across (apparently they can’t get enough of fried chicken which is another shared experience of theirs) for the death of George Floyd. He’s 83 and suffers from dementia, so he ended up telling a black Labrador that he killed George Foreman. The Labrador didn’t seem to pay him much heed but I still feel this was a valuable step towards making reparations.
So with all this in mind, I fully support the non-capitalization of the word ‘white’ when used in conversations surrounding race issues. white people need bringing down a fair few pegs, and this would be a damn good start. In fact, I think it would benefit us greatly if we took this a bit further and have outlined a few suggestions for a less white-oriented society:
- Petition paint companies to not capitalize the word “white” on any of their products;
- Create a typeface that automatically makes the “w” smaller when used before the letters “h”, “i,” “t,” and “e;”
- Get rid of the “w” altogether so that the term “hite people” contains fewer letters than “Black people;”
- Force editors to print the word “Black” in gold lettering on all magazine and newspaper articles, and have the word “white” handwritten in cheap crayon;
- Completely remove the word “white” as a descriptive term, so that when we are discussing matters of race, the conversation becomes centered on “people,” and “Black people.”
- Capitalize every letter in “Black” on everything everywhere to address the inequality and oppression BLACK people deal with every day.
I feel confident that we will begin to make huge strides towards true racial equality once we learn to treat people differently according to our preconceived notions regarding their skin color, and I would like to thank the Associated Press for taking that first brave step.
No doubt at some point during the Jarvis Dupont story you felt some disgust, probably some anger, and certainly screamed at your computer screen. You probably thought something like this: “How can this guy — and how can the Associated Press relent to the ‘Woke-Mongers’ and bow to the Black Lives Matter and do something so trivial which is nothing more than symbolic at best with NO substance?”

I’ll answer your question and give you some context this way: Jarvis Dupont is a fictional character who is either “a” person or “some” people who via Twitter have in large part headed this Social Justice Culture that pretty much totally controls the United States! Supposedly, Jarvis, fake-pictured to the left, is a transgender woman who exclusively uses Twitter to spread the LGTBQI, Woke, BLM, message using racial, ethnic, and bigotted language.
The Associated Press decision to, in all reports, keep the word “white” lower-case while capitalizing “Black” is true. USA Today and its network of 260 media outlets announced the plan to do the same last week. NBC News, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Sun-Times are expected to follow suit quickly.
I could rant and rave about every part of this: the use of a fake transgender Twitter character, lighting ANOTHER fire of racial anger spelling “Black” and “white” in all reporting to disparage all white people, certainly pours gasoline on an already raging inferno.
Isn’t this what the U.S. needed in the shadows of the vilest racial violence and political upheaval of the last 50 years? It’s as if some political terrorist leader sitting at a table with henchman having a beer and laughing said, “What else can we do to create news to perpetuate the already existing hatred, anger, and divisiveness so this chaos will continue and even get worse? Hey, let’s think of something we can get Jarvis to dump on Twitter that will take this to an even higher level!”
Maybe that terrorist leader is Jarvis Dupont! Maybe, it’s George Soros or Barack Obama or Joe Biden or Vladimir Putin. Heck, it might even be Hillary. But whoever it is and whatever their plan is it has certainly succeeded so far. The fires of hatred and anger burn brightly in many of our major cities. Sadly, it appears that REAL violence might break out quickly in deadly fashion.
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