You’re Watching The Death Of The Democrat Party

No, I don’t need anyone to help me spell the name of the political party that hates free Americans and true liberty. I drop the “ic” because there is NOTHING democratic about the Democrat Party. They, long ago, abandoned the tenets enshrined in our founding documents by our forefathers — things like “Government of the People, by the People, and for the People.” And then there’s “liberty and justice for all.” There are numerous explanations of the founders’ purposes for leaving their former lives to create new ones in this distant land.

America was founded on a single principle: Freedom. We are a nation built for people willing to accept responsibility for their lives for good and good for all. Indeed, the Founders were well aware of the allure of despotism. It is safe to be protected by someone else and not have to make decisions about one’s own life.

What’s more, the Founders knew that true liberty requires eternal vigilance. They understood that even a limited government would constantly be looking for ways to acquire more and greater power over the lives of its citizens. We need no further evidence of this than the United States government of today, with a far greater scope than what the Founders – who rebelled over a small tea tax – would have been willing to tolerate. Liberty is difficult to obtain, even more difficult to maintain, and very easy to lose. This is what the Founders believed. And that is what Americans face today as never before.

Our founders hated political parties. They believed that parties would divide the nation and lead to factions vying for power. The Constitution does not mention political parties because the Founders did not want them to play a role in American politics. However, parties soon developed after the ratification of the Constitution, and they have since become an integral part of the American political system.

Specifically, many of the framers of our Constitution expressed their disdain — and even hatred — for political “factions” or “parties.

Let’s start with the Founding Father. Just before the end of his second term, George Washington wrote a letter to his “friends and fellow citizens.” It was published in newspapers nationwide and later became known as his Farewell Address.

Nearly a third of Washington’s address is devoted to warning his fledging country about the dangers of political parties and encouraging his fellow citizens never to allow political parties to gain government control. Here is part of what he had to say:

“[Political parties] serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation, the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels, and modified by mutual interests. . . .Let me now . . . warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party ..

. . . . It serves always to distract the public councils and enfeebles the public administration.  It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; foments occasionally riot and insurrection.  It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption . . . A fire not to quenched, it demands a uniform vigilance to prevent its bursting into flame . . .”

Washington must be rolling over in his grave, watching what is happening in our country today. And he was far from alone among the Founding Fathers in his views on political parties.

There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.”  -John Adams in letter to Johnathan Jackson, 1780.

“I never submitted the whole system of my opinions to the creed of any party of men whatever in religion, in philosophy, in politics, or in anything else where I was capable of thinking for myself. Such an addiction is the last degradation of a free and moral agent.  If I could not go to heaven but with a political party, I would decline to go.”Thomas Jefferson letter to Francis Hopkinson, 1789

“Party knows no impulse but spirit, no prize but victory.  It is blind to truth, and hardened against conviction.  It seeks to justify error by perseverance, and denies to its own mind the operation of its own judgment.  A man under the tyranny of party spirit is the greatest slave upon the earth, for none but himself can deprive him of the freedom of thought.”  –Thomas Paine, The Opposers of the Bank, 1787.

I could continue quoting them. But you get the point.

But for all their rhetoric, all of the Founding Fathers, except Washington, ultimately succumbed to “party spirit.” By the first contested presidential campaign in 1796, the country had sorted itself into the nascent Federalist and Democrat-Republican parties. Parties have dominated our politics ever since to a greater or lesser degree.

But the times are changing. Polling shows Americans are disavowing party affiliation in droves. Today, barely half the country identifies with either of the parties. In 1950, nearly 85% did. And the trend has recently accelerated.

There is no way to predict how the will of the majority of Americans who have lost faith in the two-party system will ultimately be expressed. Perhaps one or both of the parties will begin to moderate. Maybe a third party will emerge. I hope we will start electing more independents.

But everywhere I go, I hear the growing frustration of the great middle of this country who feel they are unrepresented in today’s hyper-partisan environment. They are fed up, and I believe their voice will be heard one way or another. In doing so, they will be living up to one of our Founding Fathers’ great aspirations, albeit one they could not realize.

Division and partisanship are now the marching orders for all Americans as defined by our Party Leaders. Today’s Democrats gladly embrace the moniker of “Authoritarianism,” once the bane of government in Europe during World War II. Mussolini was a self-avowed authoritarian who needed permission from no one to impose his ideology on every Italian citizen. Compared to his buddy, Adolph Hitler — the World’s first Nazi — Mussolini’s authoritarianism was actually “Naziism-Light.”

Call it what you want. What we’ve seen in this 2023 Democrat Party government is precisely what our founders feared would grow from political parties. Boy, did they hit the proverbial nail on the head! And President Biden has been the perfect pawn for its perfection — and he doesn’t even know what he’s doing!

Biden’s Authoritarian America

We are a long way from the Democratic love of federalism that presented itself over the four years of Donald Trump. After all, former President Donald Trump is now gone. When a Republican is in the White House, Democrats cheer on their governors as they buck the administration. Now that a Democrat is President, any states that don’t buy into the Democrat agenda must be bludgeoned into submission.

Biden thought the COVID-19 vaccine was so ineffective that we had to protect vaccinated people from the unvaccinated. So he dictated COVID-19 policies from on high in Washington. He and the Democrat Party only viewed federalism as a valuable tool to resist Republican presidents. When a Democrat is calling the shots, Republican governors aren’t afforded the same process.

Biden has been doing this for many reasons, including to shift the focus away from the disaster he set into motion in Afghanistan and his failed promise to “shut down the virus.” But he takes these actions primarily because this is what Democrats want to do when they control the presidency.

Biden sicced his Justice Department on the state of Georgia over its benign voting reform law because it didn’t match what Democrats wanted. He did the same with Texas’s abortion law, and you will recall that Vice President Kamala Harris wants to require all laws that would restrict abortion to be reviewed (and then struck down) by the Justice Department. You will also remember that when Harris was running for President, she promised to impose gun control without the input of Congress.

Except for a few members, Democrats in Washington have no consistent view of how the government should work beyond “might makes right.” There are only a handful of Democrat senators keeping the legislative filibuster in place, which was never a worry when Republicans ran the chamber. Elected Democrats are increasingly in favor of “reforming” the Supreme Court so that it only returns rulings that they want to see.

Biden’s repeated power grabs and attempts to stretch the power of the presidency over the Supreme Court and states are not just because he is an authoritarian. It’s because authoritarianism is the guiding light of the Democrat Party, at least only when Democrats control the necessary levers of power.

The Democrat Party’s Death Nail

It would be a mistake to think that this story and any of its contents legitimize the operations of today’s Republican Party. ALL political parties aim to garner favor and power over a larger segment of America’s voting population than the other party or parties. More than any other founder, Thomas Jefferson feared political parties’ strength over Americans. He was ready to skip Heaven if he had to join a party to get a ticket! This article intends to illustrate the nation’s tremendous awakening of true conservatives. That happening with a groundswell of understanding that has already begun will put this Democrat Party in its grave! How so?

One must look back to President Reagan for a true federalist American leader. The “Gipper” didn’t tell the nation what he was going to do in the way of tax reform, government spending controls, putting more of the government in direct control of citizens while reaching across national boundaries, and sharing TRUE freedom and justice with other countries. He SHOWED the nation how to do that as he did those things! And that didn’t happen until Donald Trump kicked the Obama/Biden/Hillary authoritarian panacea in the teeth!

The Authoritarian Swamp Critter slithered back to its mudhole, created and implemented its plan to put Trump back in his place to install a true Democrat who had been groomed by the best for 50 years at the helm of the ship. Authoritarianism would indeed reform quickly, and its implementation would ferret out what federalistic ideas had crept into our lives. And it almost worked.


The end of this story is simple and, therefore, brief. Trump kicked authoritarianism to the curb, installed a true “government of the people,” ripped up the Obama-penned manual of authoritarianism, and put our capitalist system back in place. Few could believe the massive benefits that ALL Americans experienced under Trump — and so quickly!

The Swamp Monster was incensed. And he plotted with his fellow authoritarianists to craft the demise of Trumpism. And it almost worked.

The Left underestimated the one element of a great nation when they implemented their plan: the People of the United States. Democrat Party leaders were confident they could turn the heads of most Americans by spewing their mantra and giving away trillions of “free money.” After all, everyone wants “something for nothing!” They gave away the money while quietly reversing Trump’s federalist ideologies.

As shock and awe blanketed the Monster, they launched the first of several attacks against Trump: “RussiaGate,” followed immediately by “Impeachment #1,” and shortly after “Impeachment #2.” None were successful in ridding the nation of Trump. But all three kept most Americans occupied sufficiently to diminish the “Orange Man” in the eyes of millions.

Biden was the golden ticket for the panacea, the utopia, to reappear. And it did — but only for their staunch supporters. Those people had long ago swallowed the “authoritarian pill.” They were all-in even before the “manipulated” election. But the other party members had reaped the benefits of MAGA politics and life. They universally watched that goodness develop and change for the better the lives of tens of millions of Americans — Democrats AND Republicans!

The Swamp Creature refuses to drift away into the night. Under today’s authoritarian leadership, Biden and his fellow autocrats cling to one last hope: to get rid of Trump through unprecedented Department of Justice non-stop criminal charges that they are confident will drown Trump along with his federalist ideology. But they mistakenly forgot that they cannot erase from the minds of Americans the recent lives handed to them by the Orange Man!

It appears that Donald Trump has a chance! He’s even vowed to run and win the 2024 presidential election from a jail cell if necessary!

As of today, polls that are updated after each new Biden DOJ indictment tick up with every indictment!

It’s looking good for Constitutional America’s return to leadership. It’s too early to predict what will happen. But it’s NOT too early to recognize this political party that is NOT democratic at all is in deep trouble. And the Democrat Party’s authoritarianism is its death nail!


Thursday, the jailer at the Fulton County Jail in Atlanta made history. He took the first mug shot of ANY U.S. President. That jailer bragged for weeks in advance about this “tremendous opportunity.”

The purpose for this being added to today’s story is simple: the fact that any individual who works in government relishes the task of photographing a U.S. President for a mug shot reveals how devilish Democrats have become. And this picture will memorialize the “Death of the Democrat Party:” On Comrade Biden’s watch!

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