America and Americans

Indemnification for the Big Social Media Platforms: Good or Bad?

If you haven’t been in Facebook or Twitter Jail at least once or have never had a post pulled down for “violating their social guidelines,” you are either 100% happy with everything in your life, someone who never posts anything on any social media site, or you can’t remember any of your passwords! One would

Indemnification for the Big Social Media Platforms: Good or Bad? Read More »

Lock-down Anger Just Got Started

Protesters shouted “I want my life back” and held up signs with slogans such as “Protect constitutional rights,” “Freedom isn’t everything but without freedom, everything is nothing,” and “Daddy, what is a kiss?” Police said on Twitter they had arrested more than 100 people. Some protesters tried to keep a distance from each other, sitting

Lock-down Anger Just Got Started Read More »