Law Enforcement

The Reason For Lawlessness In The U.S. At Never Before Seen Heights: And It’s Terrifying Part 2

It has become almost impossible to report whether violent crime across the nation has increased or decreased. There are multiple reasons for this dilemma. Though many disagree on the increase or decrease in the numbers of crimes of all kinds, most Americans feel certain violent crime is not only increasing but is doing so in […]

The Reason For Lawlessness In The U.S. At Never Before Seen Heights: And It’s Terrifying Part 2 Read More »

The Reason For Lawlessness In The U.S. At Never Before Seen Heights: And It’s Terrifying

If you didn’t read yesterday’s cover story at, please do so. It contains an objective and fact-based synopsis of “how” lawlessness in the U.S. has escalated in dramatic fashion since 2020. (If you missed that read, I suggest you take a look at it before you continue reading this story) Forget about what the

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Americans Trusting FBI Crime Stats Less Each Day. Why?

Americans can be forgiven for suffering from whiplash regarding law and order. In recent weeks, the Biden administration and many news outlets, including USA Today and The Hill, have touted declines in violent crime statistics to argue that America is becoming a safer place. “Right now, with 2023 figures and early 2024, the trends are all pointing

Americans Trusting FBI Crime Stats Less Each Day. Why? Read More »

Don’t Think Big Brother Doesn’t Monitor You — Even At Home

On September 2, 2018, Hunter Hollingsworth spent the day on his farm in Camden, Tennessee. Dove season began the day before, and he had some friends over to hunt. That evening, he looked up and saw a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) agent and a Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) officer converging on his

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The DOJ Quiet Attempt To Justify Mar-a-Lago Raid Is Underway

The two most striking features of the FBI’s unprecedented raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home are its bold intrusiveness and the public’s mistrust of the Bureau’s honesty and integrity. The Department of Justice could have used low-profile subpoenas to force Trump to turn over any documents, including the most sensitive ones. It didn’t. Instead, it

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After School Security Precautions, How To Identify “Likely” Shooters

Yesterday we discussed the successful changes made by the nation of Israel to stop their rampant school shootings. They fortified every school in the country, locking each facility down while making each facility impervious to “normal” school shooting incidents. These measures included complete fencing, a “one-way-in” and “one-way-out” access process, armed teachers and administrators, and

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Sexual Assault Against Kids Is NOT Exclusive To Loudoun County, VA

Student-on-student sexual assault and harassment happens with alarming frequency in school bathrooms, on school playgrounds, and in the backs of school buses. In an Ohio high school last year, four boys forced a 14-year-old girl into a school storage closet and sexually assaulted her. In an Indiana middle school, six girls charged a classmate with

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The Era of “Prosecutors” Doing Their Job Is History

Ever wonder why President Biden doesn’t take questions very often? Or more accurately, why his staff doesn’t allow him to take questions? The easy lay-up handed to him about an altercation between an activist organization and Arizona senator Kyrsten Sinema offers a perfect example. Biden was asked whether he believes it was appropriate for immigration

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The “Rule of Law” is Under Attack — By OUR Government!

The United States of America is an exceptional nation in world history. As no other nation, it has stood for limited government, separation of powers, the Rule of Law, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, free-market economy, and other principles outlined in its founding document, the United States Constitution. These have contributed to making America

The “Rule of Law” is Under Attack — By OUR Government! Read More »