Israel’s War

Biden’s latest brilliant idea: Inundate the U.S. With Hamas-Supporting Arabs From Gaza

Good news for the Jew-hating, Soros-funded, Hamas supporters wreaking havoc on the campuses of prestigious universities all over our country: Biden’s planning to bring in the real thing: actual Jew-hating, Christian-hating, America-hating, Hamas-supporting “refugees” from…wait for it…Gaza! You know, the terrorist-prone “Palestinians” no Arab country wants within their borders because they’ve proven so dangerous—those “refugees.” […]

Biden’s latest brilliant idea: Inundate the U.S. With Hamas-Supporting Arabs From Gaza Read More »

Joe Biden Says There Are Very Fine People On Both Sides Of The Oct. 7 Debate

Why can’t the president unequivocally condemn campus Brownshirts?   “I condemn the antisemitic protests …” Joe Biden told reporters after days of anti-Jewish demonstrations at Columbia University and other Ivy League schools. “I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians…” Any morally clearheaded American already has a very good idea

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April 13th, 2024: Iran’s Shocking Dress Rehearsal

There are many interpretations of Iran’s unprecedented direct attack on Israel floating around in cyberspace, but only one in the mainstream media: Iran’s attack was appropriate payback for Israel taking down IRGC general Mohammed Reza Zahedi, the mastermind behind the October 7th massacre—and Israel should stand down since nearly all of Iran’s 300+ missiles were

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Tuck & Vlad: The Interview Of The Decade, If Not The Century!

Though summarily booted off Fox News only ten months ago, Tucker Carlson has single-handedly pulled off the journalistic coup of the century. He’s now the envy of the myriad sycophants in mainstream media newsrooms, who do nothing more than read the scripts given them by their handlers, all of whom are in the pay of

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An Orwellian Switcheroo: Charging Israel with Genocide

October 6th, 1973, as large numbers of American Jews attended temple services for Yom Kippur—the holiest day in the Jewish calendar—the shocking news broke that Israel had just been attacked by Arab forces from Egypt and Syria. Amazingly, tiny Israel, even though blindsided by its hostile Arab neighbors, won this war in a mere three

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Blaming The Jews: An International Pastime

Ironically, Hamas’s gruesome attack on Israeli civilians on October 7th, instead of unleashing a flood of criticism of jihadist Muslims, has turned up the fire under the apparently ever-simmering cauldron of anti-Semitism. Everyone seems focused on the Jews — even obsessed with them. But the loudest voices are those raised in condemnation of the Israelis,

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Netflix and Kill: How a Palestinian Woman Took Over an Israeli Family’s Home on Oct. 7

We’ve not heard much about the Hamas/Israel War in the last week. I don’t think that means nothing is happening, though. As usually happens in a Middle East uprising, when killing turns into a normalized occurrence, today’s news simply turns into a “same old story.” Things are heating up in this war and it’s controlling

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Israel In The Crosshairs Part Two: More Forgotten History

Israel is the only nation on Earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same  God that it did 3,000 years ago. –Charles Krauthammer Most people either don’t know the history behind the formation of Israel and the Arab states or have forgotten it. Here’s a

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