Political Corruption

ROBERT MUELLER: Unmasked Part Three

This story — now beginning its “third chapter” — is being relayed to TruthNewsNet.org by Texas Congressman Louis Gohmert. Congressman Gohmert has an extensive past as a criminal attorney, a judge, and now a longtime member of the U.S. House of Representatives. He also has extensive personal interactions with Robert Mueller when Director of the […]

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ROBERT MUELLER: Unmasked Part Two

At the TruthNewsNetwork, we have previously revealed some startling evidence of Robert Mueller’s past, which is not so squeaky clean. Mr. Mueller has multiple question marks in his law enforcement career. But few know or understand just how devastatingly compromised the current Special Investigator’s life has been. I have great admiration for Congressman Louie Gohmert

ROBERT MUELLER: Unmasked Part Two Read More »


At the TruthNewsNetwork, we have previously revealed some startling evidence of Robert Mueller’s past, which is not so squeaky clean. Mr. Mueller has multiple question marks in his law enforcement career. But few know or understand just how devastatingly compromised the current Special Investigator’s life has been. I have great admiration for Congressman Louie Gohmert


Mueller, Comey, and Eric Holder with Dirty Hands: Together

Mueller & Holder Shut Down FBI Investigation of Stolen U.S. Stealth Defense Technology Implicating  Lockheed Martin — While Comey Was General Counsel for Lockheed For nearly four years the FBI investigated the international theft of STEALTH defense technology from a small Florida marine company that invented an ingenious way to help protect Navy ships and nuclear ballistic submarines from being

Mueller, Comey, and Eric Holder with Dirty Hands: Together Read More »

A Meaty Tidbit From Strzok Testimony

“Read Between the Lines” Peter Strzok’s testimony about the email server scandal involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton raised eyebrows because of his defiant, disrespectful, and unapologetic attitude about the bias revealed in his text messages that permeated his work at the FBI. Then, there was the verbal combat between him and Republican members

A Meaty Tidbit From Strzok Testimony Read More »


In keeping with our promise to always provide the opinions of others who may be different from ours, today we introduce you to “Q,” sometimes called “QAnon,” or “QAnonymous.” But before you watch this video, you need to understand some things: QAnon’s identity is unknown. Whoever QAnon is — whether person or a group of

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Our Elections Hacked by Russians: Fact or Fiction

We’ve heard these claims for about 20 months now: “Russians hacked the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win,” and “It is incontrovertible that Russians influenced the outcome of the 2016 election to help Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton.” We’ve heard these so often, most Americans take those statements as actual facts without even a

Our Elections Hacked by Russians: Fact or Fiction Read More »