Saturday Bullet Points: April 15, 2023

Who thought during this past week that the biggest intelligence scandal in U.S. history would raise its ugly head during this week? I certainly didn’t — although it being revealed was not as big a surprise as I thought it would be. Why not? Nothing unethical or illegal being revealed in the Biden Administration shocks me anymore!

That’s a sad thing to admit. But it’s a fact.

Let’s not let the “bad stuff” overshadow the “good stuff” from the week. There may not be much of that to talk about. But let’s concentrate on finding at least a few good ones!

Let’s get started with the Top Ten stories of the week. (Maybe you’ll find at least one chuckle among them!)

Bullet Points

  • The leaked Pentagon papers that are the subject of this Biden intelligence horror show revealed something about the way one of our NATO allies feels about us under this President. Maybe it’s because of THIS PRESIDENT! Hungary’s President called the Biden Administration “one of his political party’s top three adversaries!” How about that coming from a free NATO ally? But it gets worse… For complete details, click on this link:
  • Snowden has met his match. Jack Teixeria, the accused serial “leaker” now charged under the Espionage Act for leaking those Pentagon papers online has taken Snowden’s crown. Teixeria is an Air National Guardsman who had a high-security clearance. Apparently, he is part of a gamers’ online chat group. That affiliation probably cost him a large portion of the remainder of his life. There are quite a few surprising elements to this saga. For complete details, click on this link:
  • Do you remember Joe Biden’s serial luggage thief? Sam Brinton did not only revel in dressing like a woman but also enjoyed stealing luggage of airport terminal luggage carousels. Traveling in his official Biden Administration capacity, Brinton was arrested at two different airports and caught red-handed with the goods. He pled guilty on Friday to stealing a bag worth more than $3,000 at the Las Vegas Airport. Another arrest for his baggage theft in Minneapolis is still pending. He agreed to pay the party whose Vegas bag he stole the $3,000+ — no jail time, however. Contrast that to the ten years behind bars facing a meme creator for creating a meme that made Democrats appear hell-bent on making voting “really” easy. Maybe there IS a two-tiered justice system! For complete details, click on this link:
  • The Bud Lite trans promotional affiliation will certainly go down in history as one of the top advertising and promotional corporate flops in recent memory. In just the few days of Dylan Mulvaney’s reign as Bud’s spokesperson, the value of Anheuser’s stock value dropped a reported $6 billion! Do you think the American public didn’t agree with the 90-pound Mulvaney’s cavorting through multiple sets during television ads whole promoting sports bras for Nike? Megan Kelly put it best: “Mulvaney has no breasts and he’s selling bras!” It’s so bad that Anheuser’s CEO Friday encouraged Americans that Bud Light is ALL about “good” beer! You could’ve fooled me… For complete details, click on this link: 
  • The one person among those mentioned to challenge Donald Trump for the GOP nomination for 2024’s presidency that I felt would best serve the American people with the necessary experience in foreign policy and military matters removed his name from consideration. Friday, Mike Pompeo told Brett Bairs of FOX News he’s decided not to run. Think about it: Pompeo was a Congressman, CIA Director, AND Secretary of State. Oh: he speaks well had has no baggage! Why did he bow out? For complete details, click on this link:
  • Who in their right mind thinks that Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea are NOT on point regarding attacking their international enemies of late? No one. And it seems they’re each fighting to make the biggest splash on the international stage, showing how capable they are to supplant Joe Biden’s USA which is now perceived to be at its weakest ever. The boldest of them all, Russia’s Vladimir Putin, showed his disdain for the West by ordering a nuclear missile test in full view of the whole World! Who’s next? For complete details, click on this link:
  • We have a real test underway overseas that Americans should watch closely. The French have been demonstrating in the streets for weeks against French President Macron’s plans to move the full retirement age for the French from 62 to 64. And Friday, a constitutional court in France greenlighted Macron to make the change. Let’s see how the weekend goes as the French people go crazy in the streets! Maybe our lawmakers will take note as many have rumored the “likelihood” of a need to “fiddle” with Social Security! For complete details, click on this link:
  • It blows my mind to see how Americans, with impunity, have opened their arms to allow the Chinese Communist Party an open door into their hearts, their minds, and those of their children through TikTok. It is uncontroverted that the Chinese control TikTok, its programming, and content, and therefore have access to infiltrate the computer infrastructure of all those phones and laptops that connect with the CCP tool! These facts were confirmed by numerous experts in a multitude of their testimony before Congress. Congress just shrugged it off! Thankfully, some states’ leaders see the evil and are doing something about it. Montana is the latest to say, “Enough is Enough!” They’ve pulled the plug on TikTok. For complete details, click on this link:
  • What is “good for the goose is NOT good for the gander:” at least in the case of labeling lawmakers one way for their beliefs while giving a different label to other lawmakers who espouse the same things. Hakeem Jeffries, the House Minority Leader, has created a persona of himself as a strong Democrat who has fundamental beliefs across the board. These include a core belief that justice is universal, opportunity is across the board the same, and the dismissal of others for their skin color, religion, their nation of origin, or spoken language is not just wrong, but evil. Guess what? Jeffries history has surfaced that exposes him to be hypocritical regarding all of the above! For complete details, click on this link:
  • If anyone wondered if President Biden is going to run for re-election in 2024, the mystery has been dispelled. The President took actions on Friday which obliterate all such wonder. Joe Biden approved a massive gas pipeline project that is nothing but the opposite of what he promised throughout his campaign and even specific actions he took on his first day as President in 2021! Don’t make a mistake, however. What he’s done is kneecap the climate fanatics but will restore some reality regarding our fossil fuel production that MUST be restored. For complete details, click on this link:


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