The Media Trump “Bombshell”

“The Walls are closing in,” “We’re at a tipping point,” and “It’s the beginning of the end!” These are the incessant cries from the Leftist Mainstream media in America. And these are not new warnings or new allegations. These began even before the day of President Trump’s inauguration.

So what is this all about? Corruption in the Media.

In our series entitled “Corruption U.S. Government Style,” we promised to give you six certain pieces of proof of existing corruption in the U.S. government. We gave you five, but told you we would give you the sixth “in a few days.” We did tell you the sixth would come from the formerly “unofficial” branch of the government that has been made official by the Democrat Party: the Mainstream Media. One might argue regarding the term “official.” I would agree there has been no formal appointment by the DNC of their media sycophants as part of their party, let alone, no Congressional appointment for them. But what cannot be disputed is the daily precise coordination between Democrats and the Media in messaging. It seems that every network and newspaper that are known for being “Anti-Trump” carry and broadcast the same canned headlines and stories as each other during the same Newsday. It is so common it would be disingenuous for anyone to argue that coordination does not happen. If you are one of those Americans who live in a world void of television news, or if you are one who believes the claims of independence in news and truthfulness of those who present it to us, let’s try to bring you back to Planet Earth!

TruthNewsNetwork could spend hours of your day showing and playing for you actual date and time-stamped examples of these same things happening not just during the Impeachment Inquiry, but since the 2016 election campaign. There exists volumes of examples that confirm what many formerly claimed was nothing more than a conspiracy. It’s real and…

American Mainstream News IS coordinated!

Who’s In Charge?

Naming a person, a group, or an organization as the “Boss” of these coordinated attacks on President Trump would be speculative. I’m reasonably confident I know where it originates, but I refuse to speculate. On this subject, I’ll be just like Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) regarding the whistleblower’s identity: “We must protect the guilty so lies can sacrifice the innocent!” (Of course my speculation there was not real and was emotional: please forgive me.)

It is much easier to determine who is NOT in charge. All of these Trump allegations target a sitting president that was elected by 63 million Americans. That process was conducted legally, fairly, and its results are indisputable. Those results were based not on emotion or opinion, but on the elements of presidential choice alone: an election. That process was implemented by a group of intelligent people who set out to do so with one objective in mind: to craft a government structured entirely to operate at the behest of Americans — ALL Americans. No American has ever been more important than their neighbors or other family members. And any variations of that one fundamental are attacks against the foundation blocks that constitute the United States of America. Those variations are nothing more than the opinions of people who are driven by “self-agendas.” And “Self-agendas” are NOT Constitutionally protected.

It doesn’t matter who is in charge and who — if anyone — is organizing a “messaging process, what matters is that the Media have let Americans down.


In third-world and totalitarian countries, news organizations controlled by the State have had their news justifiably labeled as “Propaganda.” Propaganda is the State’s version of the truth. But it certainly is not. In each such situation, the Media has become a combined messaging entity controlled by the latest messaging entity in each country. And, sadly, it’s true in the U.S. today just like in those third-world countries we referenced.

The Media have:

  • become a propaganda machine for the Left;
  • become a clear and ever-present bias purveyors against all things conservative;
  • A source that is pushing narratives that are ripping this country apart;
  • A reference to promote racism and bigotry where there is NO evidence of such behavior;
  • A source of misinformation and outright LIES without vetting sources or fact-checking stories.

In essence, they’ve stopped telling Americans the truth.

The Media Is Failing At Its Job

They’re supposed to be the 4th Estate, the “checks and balance” for the American people to war against the government growing too comfortable in their inevitable shift towards tyranny. It’s the media’s job to STOP that shift—or at least slow it down—and they’re not doing that.

Trump has called them the “enemy of the people,” and the fact that they’ve chosen sides and refused to do their actual job goes a long way in proving him to be 100% correct. And, unfortunately for them, Americans are FINALLY starting to notice.


  • A recent Rasmussen poll indicates that the vast majority of American voters (including 69% of independents) are angrier at the media than they are at either President Donald Trump or his political opponents.
  • 61% of Americans expressed anger at the media (up from 53% last year) while voters’ anger at the press is also higher than their anger at either President Donald Trump (53%) or his political opponents (49%) and far more Republicans (83%) than Democrats (33%) say they’re angry at the media.
  • More than two-thirds (69%) of unaffiliated voters say they’re angry at the media.

Republicans being angry at the disproportionate bias makes sense. The treatment of the president and all things from the Right is horrendous. The most prominent news outlets in the country all lean to the Left. And the one company that is supposedly in Trump’s corner – Fox News – is only 47% favorable towards the President, while 53% of its reports are negative. So, if anything, Fox News is CLOSER to being fair and balanced towards the president.

It is fair to note that although FOX News is not harmful in their overall reporting of the President, that is NOT Pro-Trump.

So what is news supposed to read like, look like, and sound like?

Real News Defined

“News is information about current events. This may be provided through many different media: word of mouth, printing, postal systems, broadcasting, electronic communication, or through the testimony of observers and witnesses to events. Common topics for news reports include war, government, politics, education, health, the environment, economy, business, fashion, and entertainment, as well as athletic events, quirky, or unusual events. Government proclamations concerning royal ceremonies, laws, taxes, public health, and criminals have been dubbed news since ancient times. Humans exhibit a nearly universal desire to learn and share news, which they satisfy by talking to each other and sharing information. Technological and social developments, often driven by government communication and espionage networks, have increased the speed with which news can spread, as well as influenced its content.”

This definition originates from that bastion of news independence, journalistic integrity, truth, and honesty: Wikipedia. If one performs an internet search to find actual descriptions of News, its purposes, and its abuses, you’ll find that news has never been without bias and personal opinion.If anyone says to youthat “their” news IS 100% truthful, without prejudice, and without political or personal perspective, run away as fast as you can! Why is that? Because we are all people, all human, and all embodied with a brain with which to observe, consume, process and spew to others the consensus of what our minds have prepared from all those elements we have absorbed from outside sources woven into our minds.

We in no way are trying to excuse and or all those in the news media who practice untruthful production and dissemination of news regularly. Most of those abandoned the fundamentals of real journalism long ago. Journalism 101 teaches that regarding news, reporting should contain these elements: “Who,What, When, Where.” Stories passed along to news audiences are to include those elements and nothing more. But there is a problem with doing just that.

Humans investigate, compile evidence with which stories that chronicle those investigation findings are written, someone else may give those stories in a newspaper, television news report, radio news broadcast, or even from a stage. And in each such case, seldom if ever are those details given in a manner held to that “Who, What, When, and Where” template. Personal opinion and personal or business agendas most often color the “news” that is transmitted.

It’s that personal opinion that has become both the opiate and the thunderbolt for those who receive news. News organizations know that and have created an environment in which they can feed the hunger — a specific drug a consumer looks for — to anyone and everyone to keep them committed to that news source for that type of news about that type of subject.

Alas, Truth of stories given to the public is no longer mandatory. What IS compulsory is the inclusion of the personal opinion of the one reporting to not indoctrinate the viewer or listener, but to “persuade” that person toward a particular conclusion that is seldom based on fact.

We’ll close today’s story with a Summary note from actor Denzel Washington. He explains succinctly what has been and is still happening in the news industry. Without saying it, Denzel is portraying the evil of today‘s Mainstream Media and the horrors it is spewing on us all.

We’ve said this many times before but it bears repeating: if we choose to NOT awaken to the plethora of untruthful information flooding our lives and the lives of those around us, we deserve the results we receive from the absorption of it all. What are those results?

We form opinions based on information we digest no matter if true or not. We share those with others who then create their own ideas to share with others. To be  blunt: the Media are being allowed by Americans to paint a new picture of our World each day that has had the truth excised before its dissemination, replaced with opinion and specific narratives the reporting entity or individuals want us to consider as Truth.

Denzel expressed it best:

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