It Appears We’re Hearing Lies About All-Things COVID-19: Part III

We’re approaching — if we are not already there — “Critical Mass.” COVID-19 information’s manipulation by the Biden Administration, International Medical Bureaucrats, leaders in the Democrat Party in Congress, and the Mainstream Media feeds little more than fodder to the American People. Daily as we discover new lies by this “COVID Syndicate,” we uncover new and more surreptitious methods of invading the private lives of Americans by U.S. Intelligence agencies. We discover they have been practicing this for years.

Add to that the revelation last week that this presidential administration is apparently monitoring all Americans’ social media pages and pointing to specific posts that include what the Administration calls “dangerous and untrue COVID-19 information.” Every day we inch closer and closer to an “Emergency Proclamation” by the White House that mandates ALL must be vaccinated.

Yes, it’s something horror stories and movies were created to portray. George Orwell was certainly prophetic with his epic “1984.” And we all thought he was insane when it was published!

Facts Matter

Many cannot understand why the government will not be forthright with ALL the truth about everything to do with COVID-19. There are horrible side effects that afflict many. These include stroke, heart issues that sometimes are fatal, uncontrollable tremors, many others, including massive numbers of trips to the emergency room.

“If” President Biden was honest about COVID-19, he would mandate that all of the good AND the bad from COVID-19 be released equally to the American people. He’s NOT honest. Along with his so-called medical “experts,” he takes great pains to hide the adverse reactions to these vaccinations from us. Many people don’t realize that his own CDC publishes an updated list of ALL of the reported adverse reactions on the CDC website every Friday!

It’s obvious why they don’t publish those. The specifics of the adverse effects and the molecular changes that have already been discovered when revealed en masse to the American people will certainly start a revolt against this Administration.

How bad is it? We publish the weekly reported cases. In case you haven’t seen the latest, here are the details released through July 9, 2021, on the VAERS section of the CDC website:

  • Hospitalizations: 30,781
  • Urgent Care: 59,402
  • Office Visits: 82,535
  • Anaphylaxis Shock: 2487
  • Bell’s Palsy: 2885
  • Miscarriages: 1073
  • Heart Attacks: 3906
  • Myocarditis/Pericarditis: 2466
  • Totally Disabled: 9274
  • Thrombocytopenia/Low Platelet: 2552
  • Life-Threatening: 8832
  • Severe Allergic Reaction: 19,814
  • Tinnitus: 5422
  • Deaths: 10,991

Please note that these numbers are ONLY the reported numbers of each medical event. The CDC estimates that a REAL number would be at a minimum ten times more than these reported numbers for each adverse event.

Vaccine History

The VAERS Report by the CDC began back in 1990. Since that time, all adverse effects of vaccinations of all kinds have been kept in this same way. The VAERS Report, though on the CDC website, takes an IT genius to find it, set it up for each week’s numbers, and create a report.

Please see below a simple chart that plots the VAERS numbers of reported deaths from adverse reactions to vaccinations in the U.S. These numbers are the totals for ALL vaccines each year.

The graph below does NOT lie. Adding together ALL vaccinations for ALL diseases and viruses in the United States, there’s never been a calendar year since 1990 in which there were 1,000 or more deaths IN TOTAL for all vaccines given during that year — until 2021. In just five months and one week — this year — there have been 10,991 “reported” deaths from adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccinations.

Doesn’t this fact — especially when added to the exhaustive list above of all other adverse reactions — mean that there is some “thing” or some “things” out of wack in ALL of the COVID-19 vaccines being jabbed into the arms of Americans?

It Gets Worse

We in the U.S. should not close our eyes to the fact that we do not live in a COVID-19 vacuum. This plague has impacted the entire Earth. No nation has been or is safe from this monster that certainly came from a bioweapons laboratory initially meant to do just what it is doing now!

(Maybe it escaped that lab by accident)

As our close partner in pretty much all things, Europe has been devastated by COVID-19 just as we have. The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.” EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe that are part of the European Union (EU), comprising 27 countries. The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50.  So as high as these numbers are, they do NOT reflect all of Europe. The actual number in Europe reported dead or injured due to COVID-19 shots would be much higher than what we are reporting here.

The EudraVigilance database reports that through July 3, 2021, 17,503 deaths and 1,687,527 injuries were reported following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots.

COVID-19 Vaccinations Are NOT Effective in Numerous Cases

This one floors me: we’ve been told from long before the first vaccine hit the marketplace in the U.S. that “if we don’t get vaccines developed quickly, and in the arms of Americans, millions will die!” Sure enough, Fauci’s cries for vaccines resulted in shortcuts by the epidemiologists and laboratory scientists. What occurred has NEVER before happened in U.S. history. Our government approved bringing vaccines to the marketplace with minimal testing, hardly any human trials of the vaccines — at least compared to the development and testing of every OTHER vaccine created in American history — and, Bingo! We have vaccines, and now the World is going to LIVE!

Something about two months into this government rush to vaccinate us all struck me wrong: why would the U.S. government foot the bill for all of this medicine? It’s one thing for Uncle Sam to step in and assure everyone who doesn’t have insurance can get the vaccination at no expense. After all, the government made it clear to us all that this was probably the worst scourge in American history.

So, now we find ourselves months into this “pandemic,” millions of vaccinations in the arms of tens of millions of Americans. That was supposed to take care of EVERYTHING! But it hasn’t.

Being completely vaccinated does not provide complete protection against COVID-19. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there have already been 4,115 recorded cases of completely vaccinated persons hospitalized or dying from COVID-19 coronavirus breakthrough infections. Nearly half the cases (49%) were women, and 76% were aged 65 and up as of June 21. According to Forbes, there were 3,907 hospitalizations and 750 fatalities among individuals who had breakthrough infections. However, not all hospitalizations may link to the CCP Virus (COVID-19).

If a person tests positive for SARS-Cov-2 (CCP Virus) two weeks after getting the single dose of Johnson & Johnson or the two doses from Moderna or Pfizer shots, it is considered a breakthrough case. Due to passive and voluntary reporting, the number of CCP Virus vaccination breakthrough infections is likely undercounted. The FDA reported, “These surveillance data are a snapshot and help identify patterns and look for signals among vaccine breakthrough cases,” and “No unexpected patterns have been identified in the reported breakthrough infections.”

The CDC switched from monitoring all reported vaccination breakthrough cases to only report instances that resulted in hospitalization or death on May 1, a decision that health experts condemned. Despite the CDC’s claim that the change in reporting will “help enhance the quality of the data gathered on cases of greatest clinical and public health relevance,” the change in reporting has resulted in a decrease in the overall number of breakthrough cases reported in the United States.

Something about all of this puzzles me. My state of Louisiana has struggled to get the populace to step up and get vaccinated. By the end of June, just 31% of Louisianans had taken the jab. However, in south Louisiana, in the area from Baton Rouge to New Orleans and to the Gulf of Mexico, the vaccination rate was about 70%. In our government’s estimation, that was a great achievement. But then, something strange happened.

Three weeks ago, in just 24-hours, 600 cases of COVID-19 in that region of the state were reported. In the next 24-hours, there were 300 more cases. Sure, these occurrences have been unfortunately common throughout the pandemic. But there’s something strange about THESE cases:

More than 60% of these cases occurred in people who had already been vaccinated! Worse yet, most were positive with the Delta Variant.

What’s worse than this: the Media in Louisiana, after reporting the onslaught of a “new wave” of COVID-19, the media suddenly went radio silent: no updates, no further case numbers were published, and no one talked about any of this.


There’s something sinister in the air. Think about these strange events and put them in perspective regarding all the mysterious events of late surrounding our government and COVID-19:

  • We are told in a White House press briefing that the White House has joined forces with Facebook to “identify” and remove posts that include “incorrect” or “misleading” information about COVID-19. Jen Psaki actually said, “People are dying because of this rampant misinformation about COVID on social media.” (That sounds a bit like “Big Brother” to me.)
  • President Biden, in every public speech he gives, excoriates everyone who has not accepted a vaccination. Think about that: there’s no caution, no embrace of the Democrat Party cry of years (regarding the legality of abortion): “My body, my choice.” He even issued a veiled warning to unvaccinated Americans last week in a speech saying, “Those who aren’t vaccinated will pay the price.” What the heck is the “price” he referenced?
  • In an interview, Biden’s Secretary of State Xavier Becerra stated that it is indeed the government’s right to know who has and who has not been vaccinated for COVID-19. His sole justification? The U.S. government has spent billions of dollars developing and making vaccinations available at no cost to Americans. That gives them the right to know.
  • Almost daily, we hear more and more conversations about making vaccinations mandatory. Constitutional experts have squared off about the legality of the government mandating vaccinations. Put that in context for a moment: can you see a scenario in which a group of government officials pulls up in front of your house. They knock on the door and demand proof of the vaccination status of all who live there. They then force anyone there who is NOT vaccinated to have a jab, “or else.” What would the “or else” be?

Don’t say for certain we are not facing this scenario. Four years ago, I was certain nothing like this could ever happen in the U.S. Today, not so much. In fact, I think we’re walking down a path toward this for certain!

What To Do?

Don’t succumb to FEAR! That is the worst option for any to take. The best thing for us to do is dig, dig, dig: dig for facts. Research via the internet and find as much information about everything possible regarding these vaccinations. Stay away from the “normal” news sources from whom you have been getting the “everything’s OK” news about COVID-19 vaccinations.

Rather than resort to cynicism, adopt the Reagan philosophy of “Trust but Verify.” Remember: the U.S. government has far more information than do we about pretty much everything. They make decisions based on having much more factual information than do we about everything. Watch and listen to what they say, but ALWAYS ask questions.

In the end, folks, we’re all going to be OK. God’s got this! When the unknown begins to choke your joy to be replaced by fear, bow your head and whisper a prayer. God understands, and he cares for our concerns. And if this worry and/or fear is about to overtake you, reach out to someone you know you can trust. If you don’t have such a person in your life, send an email to us: We can and will immediately put you in touch with someone who can help you.

We’re all in this together. That means we’re in it now, while we go through it no matter how it plays out, and we’ll still be together on the other side of this all.

Hold on to this one thought: The Best is Yet to Come. With God, we know that is the truth.

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