The Art of the Deal

After months of trying to frame the narrative of the nationwide unrest as “peaceful protesting,” as President Obama called it, or ignoring it entirely, Democrats have discovered a new way to label it: the riots are violent, and they’re Trump’s fault. After all, when Joe Biden decided to escape his basement, he was looking for some new “schtick” that he can use to let everyone know that HE’s the champion of anti-violence while Trump is the ringmaster of “pillage and burn!”

Joe Biden jumped on this new storyline during a campaign speech in Pittsburgh on Monday, telling voters that Trump is “stoking violence in our cities.”

“This president long ago forfeited any moral leadership in this country. He can’t stop the violence — because for years he has fomented it,” Biden claimed.

This is probably the most dishonest scheme the Democrats have ever created. Remember, the series of protests across the country — which often turned violent after nightfall — started in Minneapolis after the death of George Floyd at the hands of police. They were supposedly about police brutality and racist tendencies to attack African Americans. This all gave birth to the “Defund the Police” movement.

In Atlanta, rioters burned a Wendy’s after police shot Rayshard Brooks in the back in a parking lot. People burned businesses in Kenosha after the shooting of Jacob Blake. Protesters and rioters may have turned on President Trump because they view him as the leader of a broken system. But one thing is missing about this fairytale of anarchy: If Trump is the source of it all, what did he suddenly change that started the fires and devastation?

To listen to Democrats explain the riots, they were peaceful until white supremacist Trump supporters got involved. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler called ANTIFA violence in Portland a “myth” when he was confronted on a D.C. street about it. D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser bragged in her Democratic National Convention speech about creating “Black Lives Matter Plaza” in Washington, D.C. for the protesters. But the Mayor conveniently forgot that some of those protesters set fire to the historic St John’s church outside of the White House.

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan  described her city’s “autonomous zone,” which was snatched from Seattle authorities by armed protesters, as a place that would usher in a “Summer of Love.” That is where a black teenager would later be shot dead, in a “block party atmosphere.” Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded to the toppling of a statue of Christopher Columbus by giving a wave of her hand: “People will do what they do.”

Massachusetts Representative Ayanna Pressley took it further than did her fellow lawmakers. She urged more “unrest in the streets” during an MSNBC interview in August. No one blamed her for the Americans who were pulled out of their cars and beaten for daring to drive on streets blocked by protesters.

Then there is Senator Kamala Harris who is now Biden’s cohort — his Vice President running mate. Harris promoted a bail fund intended for protesters in Minnesota. Simply helping lawbreakers raise money from fellow Americans to bail them out of jail for committing crimes of all kinds is bad enough. It’s even worse when you look at the individuals who received those funds. One went on to assault a bar owner who was left with a traumatic brain injury after his release. Another was charged with stabbing a friend for refusing sex, a third was charged with sexual assault and kidnapping, and a fourth was charged with shooting at police. Great peaceful, law-abiding folks to help with bail money, right?

Biden was really powerful in attacking the violence in our streets in a speech in early June. But while lashing out at those who perpetrated the violence, he blamed Trump and the police for escalating tensions. His verbal assault on law officers AND the President was as crazy then as it is now.

Trump repeatedly offered federal assistance to governors and mayors as their cities were burned and looted. He continually and publicly made it clear to those mayors and governors, “All you have to do is call and we’ll send help immediately that will stop it all very quickly.” Many Americans are beginning to sense that Biden wanted to allow the unrest and violence to continue because he and other Democrats felt it gave them voter support.

The Democrats in charge of those cities must have thought the same thing! Almost all continually told President Trump to “mind your own business and stay in Washington.” They didn’t need his help. Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler wrote in a letter to Trump on August 28, “We don’t need your politics of division and demagoguery. When you sent the Feds to Portland last month, you made the situation far worse.” Ted apparently forgot that the looters were destroying the $200 million federal courthouse in Portland and Ted’s police force was not stopping the ANTIFA thugs from fire-bombing the building almost nightly.

The following night, weeks after federal troops left the area, a Trump supporter was shot by a member of ANTIFA. Protesters looted stores and set fires near the building in which Wheeler lives.

There’s a huge price to pay for letting all this rioting, looting, burning, and other types of destruction continue unabated. Homicide rates in 27 major American cities were up 21 percent from May to June.

After three months of all this chaos and mayhem — that showed little signs of slowing — locals began to take up arms to defend their families and their properties from destruction. Theirs’ was a response to violence they deemed necessary because their city government under Ted Wheeler — who is not just the Mayor but the Police Commissioner, too — refused to keep the city, its citizens, and its property safe.

Citizens who watched as police around the country were told to stand down or were chased and burned out of their own precincts cannot be blamed for taking matters into their own hands when the state failed them. Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old who was used as proof that Trump was aiding and abetting violent right-wingers, claims he was protecting a local business when he was chased and attacked by rioters who tried to take his weapon.

Don’t you find it curious that Joe Biden, who several months before became the certain Democrat Party presidential nominee — said NOTHING about the violence? And then, suddenly as if someone said, “Hey Joe: we’ve got to start blaming Trump for all this. The people are getting upset and are beginning to grumble against we Democrats,” Joe on cue began placing the blame squarely on Trump.

Here’s the Democrats’ conundrum:

  • The polls are no longer in the Democrats’ favor.
  • Support for Black Lives Matter has plummeted in swing states.
  • Biden is underperforming when compared to Hillary Clinton in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.
  • Even Minnesota looks like it could be in play for Trump.
  • These are all states where high turnout in rural and suburban areas — whose residents likely fear riots coming to their streets — could hand the election to Trump.
  • The Biden campaign has obviously noticed all this and realized that allowing Trump to take control of the anti-violence message is a losing strategy.

So, here comes Uncle Joe! He began asking people if they feel safer under Trump and begins painting the picture of a death-spiral for America: “Does anyone believe there will be less violence in America if Donald Trump is reelected?”


When I was in the car business right out of college, I learned that in a negotiation — an interface between two people who are trying to induce the other to believe what they’re being told more than they believe what they’re trying to get the OTHER to believe — when an offer is made, the first party to even speak about the specifics will lose the negotiation! 

You know what? That happened almost every time I as a salesman began a price negotiation with a car buyer. Guess what: it happens in politics as well!

Joe Biden and the Democrat Party thought that sitting in the weeds while watching America burn with violence would give them a real advantage among voters. What they failed to understand was Donald Trump knew that Americans were not so stupid as to think that HE (or any other Republicans for that matter) could possibly have any control of the atmosphere of violence in any of these Democrat-controlled cities and states! So Mr. Trump just quietly stood by and made sure all knew that “all they have to do is call and ask me and we’ll end their violence and restore peace in their cities and states immediately.”

Of course they laughed and lashed-out at the President. “We don’t need your help! You’ll just make matters worse. Stay outta my town!”

Guess what? The Biden campaign and the DNC waited too long. They were hoping there would be some type of Armageddon blowup that would expose to the World that Donald Trump was an inept politician who simply let anarchists take over the United States!

Suddenly, the truth slapped them all in the faces at the same time: Trump has quietly let everyone know over and over, he can fix this. And because we haven’t even talked about it or even stated it exists, Americans are beginning to think that Joe, Kamala, and the other Democrats want this to result in the devastation of our major cities just to try and make Trump look bad!

You know what? I’m beginning to believe that’s just what they wanted.

But then, the Biden handlers made that sales fatal mistake: they sent Joe out to speak to the public about the violence. And, sure enough, he did exactly what Americans expected him to do: he blamed all the violence on the President.

This race is over, folks. The Democrats lost. Joe Biden lost. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer lost.

They were beaten by a salesman who learned long ago that when a sales “final offer” is made in a negotiation, the first one to blink loses. And they blinked.

Obviously, none of them read the “Art of the Deal” written by that great salesman who lives in the White House.

Trump didn’t need to read it: he wrote it.

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