Author name: Dan Newman

Trump’s Muslim Ban

The cries against religious bigotry by the Trump Administration have begun.  Immediately after President Trump’s executive order implementing a temporary “stay” on U.S. acceptance of immigrants from 7 mostly Muslim nations, liberals are going nuts.  But once again, (partly thanks to false reporting by the U.S. liberal media) many Americans believe the President is banning

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From December to January: a prophetic message already coming true

December 22nd I posted this on my Facebook page.  There is so much American historical irony already happening in the Trump presidency, few can argue there are heavenly ramifications of each.  Christians throughout the nation have felt something  historical was going to happen AFTER this historical election, but have been waiting on tiptoe to see

From December to January: a prophetic message already coming true Read More »

President Teddy Roosevelt: Thoughts on Immigration

Teddy Roosevelt:  1907 comments about immigration “In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of

President Teddy Roosevelt: Thoughts on Immigration Read More »

Voter Fraud: “It’s everywhere….it’s everywhere!”

  Today’s BIG news is that Donald Trump feels that several million votes in the Presidential election were fraudulent. Well, that’s NOT big news today. Trump stated that was the case throughout the campaign maintaining there were fraudulent votes caste during the primary elections too. What IS new is that ALL the media — including

Voter Fraud: “It’s everywhere….it’s everywhere!” Read More »

Difference between Conservatives and Liberals

There is an obvious vast divide between conservatives and liberals made more obvious by all of the vitriol between candidate camps during this election season — such anger and disgust never seen in any previous election in modern history.  The differences between political camps are numerous.  But there are fundamental traits that can be pointed

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